RTS Parents' Newsletter 04 December 2020

Head Teacher's Message

With the ending of national restrictions on 02 December, and the move of all London Boroughs into Tier 2 (High Alert) restrictions, please note that there will still be travel restrictions in place. We would like to remind all parents/carers that, in line with statutory guidance, absences due to holidays taken during term time will not be authorised. If you are considering travelling abroad over the Christmas period, please be aware that a 14 day quarantine period on your return may still be in place (dependent on any travel corridor arrangements), this may mean that your child is not able to be in school at the start of the new term. Please check the government website for advice on international travel after 02 December.

We have also reviewed the use of face coverings in school - please refer to the email sent on 03 December for full details.

A reminder that school will finish early for the Christmas break on Friday 18 December. Timings will be as follows:

  • Years 7 and 9 - 12:00 noon

  • Years 8 and 10 - 12:15

The Christmas Lunch order deadline has been EXTENDED until 08:00 Monday 07 December - please do encourage your child to sign up via their Year Group Google Notices (the order from was posted 27 November).

A huge thank you to students and staff for raising an incredible £938.82 for BBC Children in Need on Friday 13 November!

Ms K Dooley

Christmas Jumper Day

A reminder that National Christmas Jumper Day in aid of 'Save the Children' takes place on Friday 11 December. RTS would like support this event and therefore invite all students to donate £1 to this very worthwhile charity and wear their festive jumpers.

Students should wear their normal uniform and carry their school bag as normal on this day; with the addition of wearing their Christmas jumper instead of their blazer and school jumper.

To donate your £1 to Save the Children please log in to your WisePay account where you will find a link (we will not be able to collect money in school this time - student donations can only be made through your WisePay account). We have also set up a Just Giving page for staff, friends and family to be able to donate if they wish.

Virtual Christmas Showcase

The Performing Arts Departments have come together to create a Virtual Christmas Showcase.

Please keep an eye out for your invitation!

Performing Arts Xmas Xtravaganza.pdf

School Council

We are delighted to share with you the School Council representatives for this year.

The Student Council is a school body where each member has been nominated by their peers. They will be meeting regularly to discuss any issues facing the school community.

Their key roles will be to represent their peers, meet with senior members of the school community, think of innovative ways to improve our community; and communicate their findings, decisions and progress back to all students. This year they will be dividing into committees to deal with the different aspects of life in our community with a bit more focus.

School Council Reps 2020 - Newsletter version.pdf

Reading Corner

Update by Ms Edwards, Curriculum Leader for English.

What is my Year 7 or 8 child doing in English when they aren't writing? How are RTS preparing Year 7 and 8 for longer writing and the challenges of English that lie ahead? How are the English department trying to improve reading in a meaningful way?

These are questions I've been asked a few times in the lead up to AP3. The answer is, lots of things. As I've mentioned in previous newsletters, we are encouraging pupils to use the Reciprocal Reader skills of predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising when we read all our texts in English and form time reading. But once a fortnight we use a double period to take a break from the curriculum and take part in the Let's Think in English cognitive acceleration programme. This builds up reading, oracy and writing skills through carefully structured exploratory talk. The lead tutor of the programme Michael Walsh explains it clearly for you in the 5 minute video below.

If you see that in one week your child has not written much in their books, it is very likely that that week was a Let's Think week. It is a real priority for us, especially after the isolation of lockdown learning last summer, to build up the students' ability to collaborate and share.

Let's Think chimes well with the RTS principles of ensuring every child belongs and has a voice. It builds confidence and enjoyment as well as academic excellence.

If you have any further questions, please email the School Office, with English in the subject heading.

LTE Parent.mov

English & Social Media

Using social media in an educational capacity can be an exciting opportunity to engage with authors themselves. The English department have had a positive response from Neil Gaiman, author of both adult and children's fantasy books, as well as a graphic novelist, in response to a tweet about Year 7 students reading a story from his book 'Norse Mythology'.

Not only that, but he liked a series of tweets that had an example of a Year 7's art work and writing on it. This is so encouraging and motivational for students.

Poetry by Heart

In the national Poetry By Heart competition young people aged from 7-18, choose poems they love, learn them by heart and perform them in a school or college competition.

For the next (regional) round, Sapphire (Year 10) and Jake (Year 7) will learn and recite two poems from different eras (pre and post 1914). These will be submitted for entry via digital upload, then hopefully they will progress to the next round. Good luck!

Allergy Reminder

A reminder that we have a member of staff on the site who is allergic to citrus peel. With the season of clementines upon us, it seems timely to remind you NOT to send in any type of citrus fruit with your child to school. If the fruit is unpeeled at home, the fruit may then be bought in safely.

After School Menu

We are excited to inform you that in conjunction with our catering provider, Aspens, we have decided to trial an after school food takeway service. With the long school days on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays, and with the much colder weather on its way, we felt that having an option for students to grab some hot food after school might appeal to some; especially those students that are part of the after school sport programme. Further details have been shared with you via email earlier today and the menu is available on our website.

RTS Art Gallery

This week's vibrant Art Gallery is a small compilation of Year 7 watercolour paintings of fish. Such talent shown by Matilda, Evelyn, Jake and Guyunusa.

FoRTS News

The FoRTS auction site is really taking shape, with some great items to bid for. The site goes live on Monday 07 December at 10am, but you can start browsing now! Remember, you can send the link to friends and family, anyone can bid, and there’s free delivery within 4 miles of the school: http://www.32auctions.com/FoRTS2020 .

FoRTS Newsletter 20201204.pdf

Christmas Trees

FoRTS are excited to share a fantastic opportunity with you. Christmas on the Hill are a sustainable Christmas tree company based in London. Their cut tree prices range from £38 for a 3ft non-drop tree, up to £200 for a 12ft non-drop tree - so hopefully something for everyone.

Please have a look at their website to order your Christmas tree and for each purchase they will donate a percentage to the school. It's a festive win! The school code you need to enter at checkout is RTS20.

RTS E-Flyer.pdf

Term Dates 2020-2021

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Last day of Autumn term for students: Friday 18 December 2020

  • First day of Spring term for students: Tuesday 05 January 2021

  • Spring Half-Term break: 15-19 February 2021

  • Easter break: 01-16 April 2021

  • Summer Half-Term break: 31 May-04 June 2021

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021 (amended)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Kooth - Online Counselling Service for ages 11–22

The NHS wants to remind young people that an online service called Kooth is available for them in South West London, which can provide extra support during this difficult time.

Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being service for children and young people aged 11-22. Young people can search ‘Kooth’ or visit kooth.com and get support for anything that's on their mind. The service was introduced following feedback from young people that it is something they would find useful.

A short video (see below) has been produced for young people to example how Kooth can help – you and your child can watch it on YouTube.

More information on Kooth

Accredited by the BACP, and as a trusted delivery partner of the NHS, Kooth has supported over 250,000 children and young people across the UK since 2004. It’s anonymous and free at the point of use. Children and young people can chat to professional counsellors, read articles written by young people, receive peer-to-peer support and keep a daily journal.

Qualified counsellors, therapists and support workers provide guided and outcome-focused support for each individual. Kooth is accessible through any connected device - young people can log on wherever they are to access professional counselling up until 10pm 365 days a year.

For more information about the service, you can visit the XenZone website www.xenzone.com.

Parents' Calendar