RTS Parents' Newsletter 26 November 2021

Head Teacher's Message

This week has been extremely quiet around school as students have focused on their AP3 formal assessments. They have approached the assessments with a calmness and maturity which is a real pleasure to see.

Looking ahead, I will be holding my next Head Teacher's Surgery on Wednesday 01 December 2021. This will be held remotely and details of how to book were shared with all parents/carers on Wednesday 24 November via email. Myself, and members of the SLT, look forward to speaking to you remotely on a one to one basis on any issues that you are interested in or worried about.

Ms Charles has announced the cast for next year's production of The Lion King - congratulations to all those students who auditioned and to those who were successful in securing a main role. The talent that we have in school is incredible and students put their heart and soul into their auditions. Although there cannot be a main role for everyone, Ms Charles has ensured that all students that auditioned have a role in the production somewhere. Rehearsals will take place during Spring Term Enrichment and I am looking forward to having a sneak peek!

We have a lovely tradition here at RTS at Christmas time. As a new school we have obviously had to start from scratch - and this includes providing festive decorations! Every year we invite our new Year 7 cohort (and any students that have joined throughout the year) to bring in a bauble to place on the rather large Christmas tree that will be in the school hall. It can be homemade, shop bought, colourful, representative of the students themselves; or just a simple thing. As we have grown, the tree is now becoming less green and bare and it is such a lovely sight to see. Students should bring their decorations into Reception.

Ms K Dooley

RTS Mascot

It has been a few weeks, but Mabel, the RTS dog, was back in school today. She has obviously missed the students as she spends teaching periods looking out into the corridors, just waiting for change over or break when she knows she will be paid lots of attention!

Dates for the diary

  • Monday 29 November-Friday 03 December

    • Years 7, 8,9 and 10 - AP3 Assessments continue

  • Wednesday 01 December

    • Head Teacher's Surgery

  • Thursday 02 December

    • Mufti Day - Kinsella Trust (donations via ParentPay)

LFD Testing

LFD at Home Tests - Students

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation in continuing to encourage your child/ren to take LFD tests on Wednesday and Sunday evenings and to report the results to school (via the app on their iPad). It is important to keep the school community protected and safe.

Remember that if at anytime you need additional kits you can order them free of charge via this link.

Contacting the School

If you wish to contact the school, the School Office is open:

  • Monday-Thursday - 08:15-16:30

  • Friday - 08:15-15:00

Telephone: 020 8891 2985

Email: info@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Please use the Parents Communications Summary for guidance on types of query and where advice may be found/who to direct your query to.

Assembly Topics

Assemblies for the coming week and next are as follows:

  • British Values: Democracy

  • Revision Tips

RTS Art/DT Gallery

It is wonderful to see the fully equipped DT workshop in use this year.

Ms Dion-Jones had a fantastic Design Technology lesson today with 8H. After designing their templates for their tea light holders and completing their health and safety training, Year 8 students are now using tools and equipment to shape their laminated timbers.

A Message from the Head Students

We would like to introduce ourselves as the inaugural Head Students at RTS; voted for by students across all year groups.

As one of our first actions in this role, we would like to do something that not only positively affects our community but is also relevant to the social issues within the school. It is crucial for students to be informed of the current issues in our modern day society, and to prepare them to be the best version of themselves both in and out of school.

As a result of the fatal events on Tuesday 12 October, we have proposed and agreed on using a non-uniform day to raise awareness and money for the Ben Kinsella Trust. Kinsella is an innovative charity that works to prevent knife crime, serious youth violence and anti-social behaviour by engaging, educating and empowering young people who have been affected by socio-economic factors and supporting them to improve their future prospects. We believe that this charity’s values align with what we think students in the school should be aware of. Their vision is a society where no family or community suffers the loss of life to knife crime. In the near future, we hope to invite a charity member into school to talk to RTS students about this charity’s work; to change young people’s attitudes about knife crime and debunk the myth that carrying a knife will protect you.

The Mufti Day will take place on Thursday 02 December 2021 and the school will be accepting donations over £1 on ParentPay as the school is unable to accept cash.

This Mufti Day will help show solidarity in the school community at a time needed more than ever and to also support those who were present and witnessed this tragedy. By fundraising for Kinsella, we can help educate RTS students about the severe consequences of knife crime and the fatal risks of carrying a knife can have, for the carrier and those around them.

We hope you will join us in your support of this Mufti Day.

Warm regards

Ana-Laura & Thuy | RTS Head Students 2021-2022

Theatre Time!

Drama GCSE students (across Year 10 and 11) had an amazing opportunity to watch and experience 'Blood Brothers' at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking. Studying the play is a compulsory component of the GCSE Drama syllabus and going to see the play live aides the students' understanding and enjoyment of the play enormously.

Students commented, 'It was a great experience to step foot back into the theatre after the pandemic.' 'The show evoked tears and joy.' 'It was a heartfelt performance.' 'The character portrayal of Mrs. Lyons was to an excellent standard which gave insightful ideas for our upcoming practical exam.' 'We look forward to future performances.'

Ms. Charles, Ms. Chidlow and Mr. Ketley felt extremely proud to accompany the students as they represented themselves, and the school, impeccably.

Author/Lecturer Events

On Tuesday 30 November we have Dr Martina Rodda from the University of Oxford Classics department coming to talk to Year 7 about myths and monsters. Dr Rodda is part of the Classical Conversations scheme which is an outreach programme. The event will be a digital visit and students in Ms Clark and Ms Richards class will be taking part live. Students in other classes will be able to watch the discussion in tutor time and submit questions.

On Tuesday 14 December Catherine Johnson, the author of Sawbones, our Year 8 text, will be visiting the school in person. She will be running a Year 8 creative writing workshop for selected students, taking part in a Q&A with Year 8 classes on Sawbones; and speaking to Year 10 and 11 students on decolonising and writing historical fiction.

Catering Update

We have been informed by Aspens, our catering company, that they are experiencing a variety of supplier issues currently. This is the same across many catering companies, and school supplies in particular are being affected. Please be aware therefore that there may be short notice changes to the menu as advertised for that day. Students are being notified via their Year Group Classrooms. Aspens will do all they can to keep as close as they can to the menu and to ensure that a variety of food is still available and suitable for all. Thank you for your understanding.

Behaviour Policy

We would like to remind parents and carers that we recently updated our Behaviour Policy. This can be found on our website here. The policy covers a variety of information that you may find informative regarding how behaviour is managed in school, our expectations for student behaviour, rewards and sanctions; and student support available.

Breakfast Boosters

Year 11 Breakfast Boosters sessions started up again this week and will continue until the end of term. If you have children in Year 11 please encourage them to attend as many sessions as possible. This is a fantastic opportunity to revisit topics, do small group work and practise exam technique which will help students prepare for the mock examinations in January. Sessions run from 08:00-08:30 Monday to Friday and breakfast is provided! See the menu here.

Sunny Stratford

Year 11 GCSE Geography students enjoyed stunning weather over the two days that they visited the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park last week. Students collected data at five different study sites to assess the sustainability of the Olympic Park development.

Well done to all the Year 11 students that attended, Ms Dunningham was proud of your excellent behaviour.

Rugby Mania!

Last week both the boys and girls across Years 7-10 competed in a multitude of fixtures.

The Year 7 and 8 girls played Teddington School last Thursday evening and played fantastically well, losing to an all Year 8 team in what was a promising continuation of their fixtures this term. Ms Sloman was very impressed by their display.

Throughout last week the boys competed in borough rugby league tournaments with great success - the Year 8s came second and the Year 9s came first. Congratulations to all who took part. We can't wait to see how the Year 10 and Year 7 boys do - watch this space!

Last Saturday was our last weekend fixture of the year when the Year 7 boys welcomed the London Oratory School to RTS. It was a tough challenge,

Whilst the girls had their Richmond Rugby taster the other weekend, it's now the turn of the boys! Year 7 and 8 boys are invited to go along and train with the Richmond Rugby under 12 and 13 teams. Supporting the training sessions will be some of the first team players, and also the community coaching team (featuring our very own Mr Roberts!).

It would be fantastic to have a strong green RTS cohort out in force!

Post-16 Information


KS4 parents (Years 10 and 11) may find this BTEC website helpful in supporting their children with next steps Post-16. BTECs are high–quality, career–focused qualifications grounded in the real world of work.

BTEC courses focus on skills-based learning and are designed around themed units. Rather than testing everything at the end, BTECs are tested throughout the course using assessments based on real-life scenarios.

This practical approach allows learners to develop and apply the knowledge, skills and behaviours that employers and universities are looking for.

Kingston College Open Event

This event is being held on Saturday 27 November, 10am-1pm. It includes Principal’s Talks, the opportunity to talk to tutors and students, tours of the college by fantastic student ambassadors, 'have a go’ activities and the opportunity to talk to a member of the careers and additional learning support teams. The link to register is here.

Please also find below links to posters detailing the dates of some other local college events throughout this academic year. You are strongly encouraged to apply early as many of the courses become over-subscribed.

Merton College Open Events

South Thames College Open Events

Kingston College Open Events

Carshalton College Open Events

FoRTS News

Christmas Raffle

If you’ve not managed to get round to it yet, there’s still time to buy a ticket! Anyone living in the UK can purchase tickets and they can win some fantastic prizes, so please spread the word. You can win up to £5,000 whilst helping raise money for the school. A £3 ticket enters you into all 12 draws. Good luck everyone and thank you for your support.

Christmas Trees!

This year we have teamed up with Twickenham Christmas Trees, a local family run business supplying quality Christmas Trees, to help fundraise for our school whilst also giving back to our local community. They will donate between 15-20% of each tree sale (depending on size) bought by a parent/carer of a pupil at RTS. You can help us fundraise by simply signing up on www.christmastreefund.co.uk to select and reserve your tree and as you checkout choose "Richmond upon Thames School" in the drop down menu "Select Fundraise". You can then choose, collect and pay for your tree using cash or card at Rosebine Car Park (this is the field used by the RFU alongside the A316), Twickenham TW2 7PR at any time from Tuesday 30 November. Please feel free to share this with any friends or family who might be thinking of buying a tree from there.

Virgin Money Giving – Site Shutdown

Unfortunately, Virgin Money Giving are closing and FoRTS will no longer be able to accept donations via this site after Tuesday 30 November. We would like to thank everyone who has been donating through the site. We are in the process of finalising an alternative fund-raising website and will share the details with you soon.

Rugby Parking – 27 November & 27 December

Last weekend raised another incredible amount of money for the school, £1,540! We really can’t thank the rugby parking volunteers enough, and the people using the car park, many of whom donate additional money as they know that every single penny goes directly to supporting the learning of the students at RTS. With the Barbarians v Samoa match this Saturday there’s still time to get involved, please email FoRTS if you can.

We have begun to receive enquiries for the Big Game 13 on 27 December. As many of our regular marshals will be away, we need to make a decision on whether to open the carpark for bookings. If you’ve been thinking of volunteering, now would be a fantastic time to do so! Please help if you can. After the last two matches this year, there are only two matches at Twickenham for the Six Nations (in February and March) and the season is over. We’d really like to maximise this fundraising opportunity.

Easyfundraising – Spin to Win!

There are only a few days left to spin to win! Play through your easyfundraising account to give FoRTS the opportunity to win a donation between 10p and £50. It’s quick to register if you’ve not already. Please remember to shop through easyfundraising if you’re shopping online for Black Friday, and of course there is also AmazonSmile. Thank you!

Your FoRTS Team,

Vanessa (Chair), Mark (Treasurer) and Carey (Secretary)

To contact FoRTS at any time, please email forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Children Online - Setting Parental Controls

This is the time of year parents and carers will be buying devices that access the internet for their children and so we would like to highlight the importance of setting parental controls before giving the devices to children:

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Bereavement Resources

Sadly, many more families that usual have been affected by bereavement over the last 18 months of the pandemic. We felt that it was important that we share resources with you, so that you are aware of services that are available for young people:

National Sleep Helpline

One in four children in the UK are not getting enough sleep, this has an impact on their behaviour and ability to learn, as well as their physical health.

The Sleep Charity has a free helpline run by trained sleep advisors who can talk to young people directly, or parents (we can also talk to parents about their own sleep issues).

The helpline is open 5 nights a week, Sunday to Thursday, 7-9pm and the number is: 03303 530 541. You can read more here: https://thesleepcharity.org.uk/national-sleep-helpline/

Parent Support Cafe

Youth Football

The U15 Youth Football team at NPL Teddington (FA Charter Standard Youth Club) are looking for football players in Year 10 or even Year 9. Please see the flyer for more details.

'Skills in STEM' webinars for 14-18 year olds: 02-09 December

STEM Learning is hosting STEM Ambassadors from across five different sectors in a series of online webinars taking place from November to December.

Schedule: 4.30pm - 5.30pm

  • Thu 02 December - Marketing and PR

  • Thu 09 December - Logistics

In this series of webinars, STEM Ambassadors from a range of industries working in areas such as project management, communications and logistics, for example, will share what they do within the STEM industry and talk about their skills and experiences.

The webinars are designed for pupils aged 14-18 and will be delivered using Zoom with safeguarding settings in place (no cameras, no microphones, interactions will be kept to the Q&A function which will be monitored by a STEM Ambassador Hub employee). Webinars will not be recorded. More information can be found here.

Term Dates 2021-2022

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Christmas break: 16 December 2021 - 04 January 2022

Parents' Calendar