RTS Parents' Newsletter 25 June 2021

Head Teacher's Message

Thank you to the whole school community for your support and understanding these past few days as we have dealt with an incredibly challenging and frustrating situation. Making the decision for all students to remain at home for remote learning was not one the Senior Leadership and the Trust Board made lightly - and we had to make it at short notice. Due to unprecedented staff shortages we could not safely open the school to students. I appreciate that this may have caused additional challenges to parents and carers who may also have had to make decisions at short notice; and I thank you for your understanding. The students have reverted to remote learning seamlessly and again my thanks go to the teaching staff, who continue to show such incredible flexibility and adaptability.

Whilst we have had groups of Year 7 and Year 8 students back on site yesterday and today, we look forward to the majority of the school returning to the site on Monday 28 June. Certain groups of students are still self-isolating until the middle of next week - please check your emails for the correct date of return. An SMS reminder has also been sent out today.

As per my message in last week's newsletter, whilst face coverings in school have not been mandated by the Department for Education; I would strongly encourage students to wear a face covering whilst moving around the communal areas in the school.

As we start the last 3 weeks of this academic year, there is a lot to be positive about and to celebrate. Some events/activities have been given the green light in accordance with all government guidelines and we are excited to be able to proceed with: horse riding for enrichment, a trip to the Globe, adapted Sports Days; and our end of term celebrations - to name just a few.

Thank you for your continuing support, it is much appreciated and valued.

Ms K Dooley

RTS Art Gallery

This week the Year 7s moved seamlessly into online learning with our cross-curricular activity in art. Looking at Yayoi Kusama's "My Eternal Soul Series", we created similar biomorphic shapes influenced by her paintings and images from research under the microscope in Science.

Alice in Wonderland

Exciting news! After many delays and setbacks we are pleased to share that a reduced production of Alice in Wonderland will be available to watch virtually from Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 July. The link will be shared nearer the time and you will be able to watch the stream at any time during those 3 days. The students have worked exceptionally hard to adapt the performance from last year's sadly cancelled event; and we hope that you will take the time to watch and enjoy their hard work.

Dates for the Diary


  • Wednesday 07 July - Year 8: HPV1 (boys and girls)

  • Wednesday 07 July - Year 10 HPV2 (girls only)

Consent forms will be sent home with Year 8 students on Monday 28 June; and we will also send an e-form via email. Please ensure forms are returned by Wednesday 30 June at the latest.

As this is the 2nd dose for Year 10 girls, consent forms have already been completed.


This information is shared on behalf of Richmond Council:

Walk-in Oxford-AZ vaccinations are available at the Twickenham Stoop (24-25 and 27 June 9am-7pm) for anyone who is due their second dose (at least 8 weeks after their first), and anyone 40+ who requires their first dose.

Pfizer vaccinations are available Friday 25 June,10:30am to 6pm at Kingston Mosque Read more.

Other locations and dates are also available - Read more here.

LFD and PCR Testing

LFD at Home Tests - Students

Please continue to take the tests on Sunday and Wednesday evenings and report the results as normal. Thank you for your ongoing support.

LFD at Home Tests - Parents/carers

You can now order/collect LFD tests free of charge from the following:

PCR Tests

If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive (identified as a close contact) you are now advised to seek a PCR even if you are not displaying symptoms. These can now be ordered free of charge from:

School Street

A gentle reminder that Egerton Road is part of Richmond Council's 'School Street' programme and that we actively encourage students to walk or cycle to school rather than be dropped off by car.

A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children.

There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles and potentially improving air quality, encouraging active travel to school, aiding social distancing, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and end of the school day and, of course, improving road safety.

During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, the closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. Please do take the time to respond to the consultation - this is your chance to share your views and to hopefully support the continuation of the scheme.

Transition - Year 7 September 2021

We are regularly updating our dedicated RTS Transition website for our new Year 6-7 parents. If you have a query about enrolment, Summer School, school uniform, Induction Day, or anything else; please check on the Transition website in the first instance. There is also a wealth of information on the main RTS website.

Dates for your diary

  • Monday 02-Friday 06 August - Summer School, details will be emailed out to all those who have signed up soon

FoRTS News

We hope everyone is well in what has been a difficult week, and that those having to isolate have not found this too much of a challenge.

The Big PTA Summer Raffle

We thank you so much again for all your support in the Big PTA Raffle. Tickets have sold beyond our expectations, and the more tickets we can sell, the more money we will raise, a real boost to our funding in this difficult year. It’s now only 17 days until the first draw, but there’s still time to buy your tickets here and you’ll have 12 chances to win up to £5,000! Tickets are £3, and for every ticket sold, FoRTS receives 50% of the ticket price. Thank you, and good luck! Please feel free to share with friends and family.

AmazonSmile, easyfundraising and Virgin Money Giving

Thank you to everyone who shopped on Amazon Smile over the Prime days supporting Friends of RTS. Thanks also to our new supporters. You can still sign up at AmazonSmile and continue to raise funds at no cost to yourself.

You can also turn your everyday online shopping into FREE donations at easyfundraising. Easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping fundraising site, with 4700+ retailers to shop with...It's simple to use and it's free.

Remember, you can make direct donations to FoRTS via our Virgin Money Giving page, or use the “Just Giving” button on the RTS website.

Second Hand Uniform Donations and Sales

As we come to the end of the school year, you will no doubt have uniform that has been outgrown, and sadly little worn. A reminder that you can make donations by emailing fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk (please do not take directly into school). Once this has been processed, items will be re-sold on oldschooluniform.co.uk, with any funds raised going to FoRTS. We thank you for your support.

To contact FoRTS at any time, please email forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Second Hand Uniform Donations email fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Second Hand Uniform Sales oldschooluniform.co.uk


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk or

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

New podcast episode on how domestic violence affects teenagers

Youth councillor Josie O'Connell interviews domestic violence workers Nina and Lisa about domestic violence in teenage relationships. How does domestic violence affect young people and how can we avoid it? You can listen to the podcast episode here.

RNLI warns of jumping into the Thames

The RNLI has issued a stark warning to young people who jump into the Thames to cool off during summer evenings and weekends – particularly from Teddington Lock footbridge.

This video from the Teddington Lifeboat station highlights the dangers from cold water shock and from river traffic.

Children's Book Festival

Post-lockdown, it is even more vital to help children develop their reading skills - and that all-important love of reading. Independent Thinking felt that bringing a variety of children's authors together and giving each one 20 minutes to share their book, read a short extract and explain what drove them to write would be a really useful and enjoyable thing to do.

Check out all the great titles on their website and follow the links to reserve your free front-row seats. You can attend as many events as you like. The event runs 26-27 June.

One author is Lynn McAllister from Capella House (adjoining RTS). Her title is Pixie Van Dimple and the Wrong Kind of Artificial Intelligence.

All the books featured will be available on http://rovingbooks.com/ once the book fair has taken place - the books are perfect for schools and parents/carers!

Positive Parenting Project

Promoting Sibling Harmony

If you have more than one child then some squabbling is inevitable. But if the bickering is getting the better of you, here's a plan of action.

Start with this quick video on why siblings fight. Then move on to our Sibling Conflict Survival Guide.

If you have teens, you might find it reassuring to read what other parents say (anonymously!) about teenage sibling conflict.

For little ones, take a look at this booklist of storybooks on sibling rivalry as an alternative approach to the problem. Or, if you have a new baby on the way, don't miss this complete guide to everything you need to know about introducing a new sibling.

And, if different parenting approaches between you and your co-parent are part of the problem, we have an in-depth video tutorial just for you.

Teenage bickering

What’s normal when it comes to teenage bickering? That’s the kind of question I get asked all the time. But the reality is that ‘normal’ is a very wide spectrum in family life. Here's what parents have to say about the teenage sibling relationships in their families. Read more...

Storybooks about sibling rivalry

Using stories to tackle sibling rivalry helps children think more deeply and independently about relationships, about how other people feel and how to manage their own emotions. Here’s an updated list of the best children’s books about sibling rivalry to get your little ones thinking. Read more...

Why do siblings fight?

Knowing why your kids are fighting can be really useful in tackling it and changing that behaviour. There are lots of different reasons why siblings fight. Here's a quick round up of the most common causes. Read more...

Sibling conflict: a survival guide for parents

Sibling conflict can utterly ruin family time. Here are some simple, practical tips for reducing the arguments and restoring harmony (and a few tips for staying sane through it all!). Read more...

Successful co-parenting

What if arguments between you and your co-parent are part of the problem? When parents disagree about how to respond to children's behaviour, it can be confusing for children. This 60-minute Watch Now Webinar is full of practical strategies to help you and your co-parent agree a joint approach and build a strong parenting team. (Price £15) Watch Now..

More information on parenting via: The Positive Parenting Project

Richmond Council are launching a poster competition to celebrate Clean Air Day 2021

Posters should illustrate the theme ‘The lungs of London’ and students can add their own style and interpretation – with art and/or writing. Students can use their hands to make the shape of lungs; or find a template pair of lungs to colour and annotate; or they can draw something completely different that represents the lungs and their condition. For students who prefer words to drawing, they can write a poem or story. Or add words to one of the options above - it is entirely up to them.

Specifications for entries:

  • Use one sheet of A4 paper

  • Posters can use colour and all designs should be clear, especially any words (judging will be done on a scanned version)

  • Student’s names and ages should not be visible

Students should scan and share their poster entry with info@rts.richmond.sch.uk, marked for the attention of Ms Munro.

Prizes will be awarded to the schools and students in three categories (KS1, 2 & 3).

Additional information:

  • It is hoped to display the posters on the Air Pollution part of the Council web pages. The organiser will contact schools prior to doing this to request the children’s names and ages, and for permission to display this personal information.

  • If you would like more information about air pollution and how to tackle it, please see London Air’s guide and Richmond Council’s School Air Pollution pages.

Term Dates 2020-2021

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021

Parents' Calendar