RTS Parents' Newsletter 25 March 2022

Head Teacher's Message

I am struggling to find the words to convey just how incredible the school musical production of The Lion King was! It was utterly wonderful and I am sure that I was not the only person to experience goose bumps! The sheer hard work and dedication that went into each and every performance was clear to see; and I commend all of the students who took part - be it singing, dancing, acting, in the band, back stage - however small, or large a part played in the overall production; the end result was phenomenal. A huge thank you to all of the staff who gave up their time over the past few weeks to put this production together - this has been a massive undertaking and they should be rightly proud of their production crew and their achievement.

Thank you to all of the families who were able to attend and support the school - we had a full house every night. We hope families enjoyed being greeted by our dancing rhinos (thank you to Save the Rhino for kindly lending us the suits (and for members of staff for stepping in to wear them)! Early calculations are indicating that, across the three nights, donations towards new sound equipment for the school (the equipment for the production was loaned to us by a local company) are on the verge of reaching £1000! The exact figure still needs to be calculated, but nevertheless that is an incredible amount of money. Your support is very much appreciated.

Thank you to for your generosity in dropping off donations for Prosperity Cafe in Twickenham, we will arrange drop off as soon as possible and update you next week.

Ms K Dooley

Dates for the diary

  • Thursday 31 March: Last day of the Spring Term

    • Early finish at 12 noon

  • Easter Holidays: Friday 01 April-Monday 18 April

  • Tuesday 19 April: First Day of the Summer Term

    • Late start at 09:45

Contacting the School

If you wish to contact the school, the School Office is open:

  • Monday-Thursday - 08:15-16:30

  • Friday - 08:15-15:00

Telephone: 020 8891 2985

Email: info@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Please use the Parents Communications Summary for guidance on types of query and where advice may be found/who to direct your query to.

Assembly Topics

Assemblies for next week:

  • End of Term Celebrations

The Lion King School Musical Production

What a resounding success! In line with the RTS Values - if you believe in the power of effort, incredible outcomes can be achieved! Putting on our first musical, and our first production in person in three years, was a huge challenge. The entire cast, production crew, make-up artists, costume designers, set designers, band members, and staff put their heart and soul into this production and the results were incredible. The students created and made all of the costumes, the sets, and the props themselves during enrichment and weekends; and also designed and applied their own, and each other's, stage make up.

On Monday morning over 150 children from some of the local primary schools (Archdeacon, Nelson, Trafalgar, St Mary's, and Chase Bridge) joined a group of secondary students from our neighbours, Clarendon School, to watch the matinee and first performance of the production. Nerves were high but the feedback from the audience was positive and their enjoyment was plain to see. There may have been some singing along too!

Carrying on to perform to a full house on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings saw the cast's confidence grow. The buzz around school each evening was wonderful to experience and we are truly thankful for the support that families showed - not just to their own children, but in supporting the school as a whole.

Thank you to those who were able to come and enjoy the show, and for those that were unable to attend, or who want to relive the memories - please enjoy just a few of the photos from behind the scenes. It really was a team effort!

RTS Sports Updates

On Friday 18 March, Ms Sloman took 13 Year 8 students to a borough netball tournament at Waldegrave School and each of them played absolutely amazingly! Although they didn't win, their sportsmanship and delight at playing and representing RTS was plain to see.

Careers Corner

The Richmond NHS Training Hub are running a careers fair in the local area. They are looking to fulfil some specific nonclinical roles and promote wider opportunities across the NHS. The careers fair is not just aimed at school students, but also at their parents and carers who maybe considering a career change or looking for a new role.

For more information on apprenticeships available within the NHS, information on flexible working or opportunities to speak to staff within the NHS, please see the flyer with further details.

Careers Fair Date:

  • Tuesday 26 April, 12pm- 7pm

14438 NHS SWL CCG Richmond Training Hub Careers Fairs A3 Posters PROOF_1.pdf

Visiting Professor

Year 10 History students will have a guest speaker during Enrichment on Tuesday 29 March.

Professor Jonathan Phillips from Royal Holloway, University of London will be speaking to the students about the Emperor Saladin and the Crusades.


The Lion King Production – Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who donated towards the new sound system for the school when they attended The Lion King school production. We appreciate your generosity, and hope you enjoyed the show. Further details are given earlier in the newsletter by Ms Dooley, and the total amount raised will be confirmed soon. If you missed out on donating on the night and would still like to, please visit our Peoples Fundraising page where you can make your donation. Please leave a comment and we'll ensure it goes with the other funds directly to the Drama and Music departments. Don’t forget to use gift aid if applicable.

AmazonSmile, easyfundraising and Peoples Fundraising

Become a supporter of Friends of RTS on easyfundraising and AmazonSmile. You can also make direct donations, including Gift Aid, via our is Peoples Fundraising, or use the “Fundraising” button on the RTS website.

Your FoRTS Team,

Vanessa (Chair), Mark (Treasurer) and Carey (Secretary)


easyfundraising, AmazonSmile, Peoples Fundraising


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

SENDIASS Consultation

Today we’re launching the consultation on the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) in Richmond. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SENDIASS2022Richmond

The service was last commissioned in 2015 and is well overdue a review. Richmond PCF have been asked to work with Local Authority commissioners to shape what the new service will look like and we can’t do that without your help.

It’s really important that we hear from as many parents as possible, even if you’ve never used the SENDIAS Service before. Never needed advice or support? Or does the way the service is currently commissioned not meet the needs of your family? The reasons why you haven’t used the service are as important as sharing your experiences if you have. You can contribute in whatever way you feel most comfortable. You can complete the anonymous survey here, email us telling us what your experience has been, arrange a 1:1 telephone consultation or take part in a drop in event. Want to share your views in a different way? Please let us know what works for you and we’ll do our best to make it happen.

Drop in events will be taking place as follows:

  • Monday 28 March, 12.30pm - 2.00pm, The Park, 19 Park Road, Teddington

  • Wednesday 30 March, 10.30am – 12.00pm, Harris and Hoole, King Street, Twickenham

ONLINE Friday 25 March, 7.30pm - 9.30pm

ONLINE Tuesday 29 March, 7.30pm - 9.30pm

ONLINE Thursday 31 March 10.00am – 12.00pm

Please let us know at information@richmondpcf.org.uk if you would like to attend one of these events or would like to arrange a 1:1 consultation.

SENDIASS Consultation Poster.pdf

You’ll find details of the minimum standards of the SENDIAS Service the Local Authority have a statutory duty to provide here.

Richmond Borough Mind

Richmond Borough Mind is staring a new course for parents in Richmond, Resilience in Progress. In five weeks, parents will learn more about resilience and how the brain works and develops. They will also learn practical skills to build resilience in themselves and their children. The course has been designed by parents and mental health professionals. The first round starts on the 28 March 2022 and will take place online on five Mondays from 6pm to 8pm. The first round is a pilot, where we would like to hear parents' ideas about the course and what they think and what we could change. Please contact youth.service@rbmind.org

Heatham House Easter Programme

Please find below the Heatham House Easter Programme, 2 weeks of free arts, sports and developmental activities for young people aged 9-16 years old.

The programme is funded via the government's HAF Fund so young people will also receive a hot meal each day.

Activities can be booked for free at HeathamHouse.Eventbrite.Com although young people are welcome to spend the day with us regardless if they have an activity booked or not.

3577 Heatham House Easter activities programme 22.pdf

Richmond Cricket Club

Richmond Cricket Club (RCC) has a well-established, thriving Girls' section and a growing Women's section, and we are very keen to encourage more girls to come along and play. We welcome all levels of ability and experience, from those who have never played, right through to those at County standard. We have excellent coaching staff and it's a wonderful fun atmosphere both at training and matches.

Pre-season training for U12s, U13s and U14s (Years 7-9) starts on Monday 28 March, 18:00-19:30 at Richmond Cricket Club, Old Deer Park Sports Ground, Richmond, TW9 2AZ.

Girls Football

Girls Only Holiday Camp – Bedfont Sports Club

Come and join us for our FREE girls’ football camp at Bedfont Sports Club. Our football camp is delivered by our experienced football coaches who have expert knowledge of girls’ football.

The camp will include learning new football skills, playing matches, and having fun in a safe environment.

No prior football experience is required. Please supply your daughter with a packed lunch on the day (no nuts are allowed as a safety precaution). We will not be providing food on the day.

Date: Thursday 07 April

Time: 10.30am to 2pm

Age group: 6 to 16 years old

Cost: FREE

Address: Bedfont Sports Club – Bedfont Rec Ground/Hatton Rd, Feltham TW14 8JA

To book: https://www.brentfordfccst.com/event/girls-only-easter-camp/

Girls Football Development Centre Trials

Date: Monday 04 April

Time: 5-7pm

Venue Address: Hampton High School, Hanworth Road, Hampton, Middlesex, TW12 3HB

Cost: £12

Players will participate in a two-hour training session consisting of one hour of technical practices and one hour of conditioned small-sided games. No feedback will be provided on the day.

The trial is available for new players wishing to join our football programme and is available for both outfield and goalkeepers. Existing players in our football programme do not need to re-trial.

To register: https://www.brentfordfccst.com/event/girls-trials-april-2022/

Post 16 Female Education Programme Trials

For females leaving year 11 looking for a pathway in football while achieving a BTEC or A-Levels.

Date: Monday 04 April

Time: 10-12pm

Venue: Gunnersbury Park, Popes Lane, W3 8LQ

To register: https://www.brentfordfccst.com/product/post-16-football-education-programme-april-female-trial-registration/

The FUEL (Feed Ur Everyday Lives) programme

The FUEL (Feed Ur Everyday Lives) programme, now in its second year supporting children on benefits-related free school meals, will once again be running over the Easter Holiday.

Please promote the programme, and support your families who are entitled to free holiday activities and food to sign up.

After a successful first year, where over 2000 children across Kingston and Richmond engaged with holiday activity and food providers, the programme continues to grow with new locations, providers, and activities available for children across the two boroughs.

As a reminder, the programme offers completely free access for children receiving benefits-related free school meals to attend holiday clubs, sports groups, play sessions and more.

For further information on the programme and the providers that we will be working with, please visit the website or email us. Click here for the leaflet.

Free wellbeing programme

The Wild Mind Project is running a free young people's (16-25) emotional and mental wellbeing programme, from 03 April from 11am-1pm for 4 weeks (excluding Easter), at Chiswick House & Gardens. More details here.

PowerStation Easter activities

PowerStation youth centre has a fun packed programme this April. Ranging from basketball, trips, art, football, Cooking, Easter egg hunt and much more.

Please book via the link and if you have any enquiries please email or text Danielle Hutchinson on 07864 615077 and she will respond.

Click here for the PowerStation programme.

Filmmaking Classes & Holiday Camps

A5 Flyer Chiswick, Richmond & Wimbledon.pdf

Easter Activities at Ham Youth Centre and Piper Hall Kingston

Choose from a wide range of exciting activities and workshops designed for 10 to 19 year olds to do in their school holidays including archery, mixed martial arts and fencing! All activities are free and run by qualified youth workers tutors and coaches. Healthy lunches will be provided.

Both youth clubs are open 12pm to 4pm each day. Young people can just drop in any time. However, some courses must be booked online as there are limited spaces.

More information:

Term Dates 2021-2022

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • End of Spring Term: Friday 31 March

  • Easter Break: Friday 01 April-Monday 18 April

  • Start of Summer Term: Tuesday 19 April

  • INSET Day: Monday 16 May

Parents' Calendar