RTS Parents' Newsletter 22 April 2022

Head Teacher's Message

I hope that families enjoyed a relaxing Easter break and were able to meet up with friends and family.

We have returned this week at full speed and have already achieved much in the four days that we have had. This half-term is packed with activities for students across all year groups and we very much look forward to sharing photos and details with you week on week.

Thank you for your support as we have monitored school uniform standards this week. It is important that we work together to reinforce the RTS Way and the ethos and culture that we have at RTS. Our uniform builds on our pride in our community - both as a school and in the wider community of the area that we we live in.

Next week our Year 11 GCSE MFL students will be taking their live oral exams in school. This is a milestone moment for the school as these are our first ever GCSE exams. We wish all participating students the best of luck.

Wishing you all a restful weekend after a busy week returning to routines.

Ms K Dooley

Dates for the diary

  • Monday 25-Wednesday 27 April

    • GCSE MFL Orals

  • Wednesday 27 April

    • Early finish at 14:05 due to Year 8 Subject Teacher Consultation Evening

  • Monday 02 May

    • Bank Holiday - School closed

  • Wednesday 04 May

    • Early finish at 14:05 due to Year 7 Subject Teacher Consultation Evening

Contacting the School

If you wish to contact the school, the School Office is open (term time only):

  • Monday-Thursday - 08:15-16:30

  • Friday - 08:15-15:00

Telephone: 020 8891 2985

Email: info@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Please use the Parents Communications Summary for guidance on types of query and where advice may be found/who to direct your query to.

Assembly Topics

Assemblies for next week:

  • Shakespeare House Assemblies

  • Ramadan and Eid

RTS Art Trip

On Wednesday 20 April, Ms Williams took a group of Year 10 students to both the Tate Britain and the Tate Modern. Nicole gives us her review of the day:

This trip to the Tate was definitely one of the best ones we had. Firstly we arrived at the Tate Britain and we saw many vintage artworks from artists like Henry Moore, David Hockney, Chris Ofili and many others. We looked at sculptures by Hew Locke called ‘The Procession’, it was beautiful with vibrant colours but with the faces covered it almost gave you the chills. Locke describes this piece as the ‘parcel of the cycle of life; people gather and move together to celebrate, worship, protest, mourn, escape or even to better themselves.’ It was so interesting to see the artworks that we have studied at school now in the flesh.

After that we took the boat over to the Tate Modern which had interesting and meaningful contemporary art. My favourite piece was the radio tower with radios which are much more old at the bottom and much more modern ones at the top. My intake on the piece is that it shows how everyone is connected, especially with the radios being all different languages. We also saw some more interesting pieces like ‘The Snail’ by Henri Matisse.

Overall the trip was very exciting and I personally preferred the Tate Modern. I wish we had more time to see everything that was there.

Earth Day

Earth Day falls today, Friday 22 April 2022. In order to reflect on this and to understand what we can achieve, on Wednesday 20 April, all Year Seven students experienced an Earth Day film making taster workshop. SPARKS Film School joined us on site and provided this exciting session. The students thoroughly enjoyed learning how to use cameras and film making equipment within the context of the Earth and the environment.

The RTS Way

We are exceptionally proud (probably not as proud as the parents are though) to share the following achievements of students outside of school. It is lovely to hear not only of activities that students participate in, but also to be able to celebrate with them and see the joy that these events bring to them.

Noah, Year 8, plays for Teddington Hockey Club Under 14 team. Over the Easter break they took part in the Tier 2 National Hockey Finals which took place at Reading Hockey Club. Noah's team played against Alderley Edge (Manchester) in the final and they won, 3-1! Congratulations to Noah and his team mates!

Wabi, Year 9, is a member of the Surbiton Hockey Club U14 boys team. They too were playing over the Easter break and took part in the Tier 1 England Hockey National Finals. The game was played at the Lee Valley Hockey Centre, which is the London Olympics hockey stadium, against Cambridge City Hockey Club. They won 3-2 after being down 0-2 at half-time.

Not content with that, Wabi also went on tour with the Surbiton Hockey Club U14 boys team to the ABN AMRO Euro Hockey League Finals in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. While they were representing Surbiton Hockey Club, as the only club from England they in effect represented the country too. Participants included teams from Austria, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and Spain. They did their very best against stiff competition coming 4th overall and were the only team to beat the eventual winner of Germany in the group stages.

RTS Eats

Our kitchen team surpassed themselves today! Although Friday is traditionally 'fish and chips' day; today the team celebrated St George's Day (a day early!) with a bountiful roast chicken lunch followed by St George's Day iced buns. Feedback from students was fantastic and nobody missed having fish and chips after all!

This week we are pleased to announce that the outside Snack Shack has also reopened to students at break and lunch time. The Shack is able to serve 'Grab and Go' items such as sandwiches, snacks, cold prepared food and drinks.

Exam Invigilator

We are seeking to add to our bank of Examination Invigilators. We are looking to appoint a flexible, reliable people to who will thrive in a fast paced environments. You will work as part of a team of invigilators who will ensure exams are carried out according to the JCQ regulations. This role will primarily involve supervision of candidates sitting public examinations and internal mocks examinations.

Hours are variable according to exam schedules.

The post would be ideally suited to applicants who:

  • Are reliable, punctual, and readily available during exam periods

  • Have effective communication skills and good interpersonal skills including the ability to give instructions

  • Will manage situations involving different groups of people

  • Are can work effectively both on their own and within a team

  • Have good organisational skills

  • Have basic ICT skills (are familiar with use of email, mobile phone messaging etc).

  • Will be a reassuring presence to candidates in the exam room

Please share if you know someone who may be suitable. If you have any questions about this role, please contact Mrs Munro, Head Teacher's Executive PA in the first instance via pa@rts.richmond.sch.uk.


FoRTS Fundraising

Drama Department

As you will be aware the Drama Department was raising money at the recent production of The Lion King. We are pleased to let you know that they raised an amazing £1458.19 from your generous donations. This will go towards the sound system they are purchasing with the Music Department. Thank you so much for your generosity.

PE Department

We gave you details last term of how FoRTS had bought equipment across various departments as part of our termly subject leader bid initiative. We are pleased to show you students using some of the new sports equipment.

Second Hand Uniform Donations and Sales

If you have any clean and in good condition uniform to donate, students can drop off at reception at any time when the school is open. Our next sale will take place at the next event on site at the school (event to be confirmed). If you could volunteer to help, please email fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk. Thank you in advance.

Rugby Parking – 30 April

Our next event is the Army versus Navy Senior XV match up on Saturday 30 April. The sponsors of the event, Babcock, have pre-paid for all the RTS parking spaces and so we will definitely need some help with marshals. If you can help, please contact us on forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk and we will put you in touch with the rugby parking team.

FoRTS General Meeting – 25 May

Make sure you hold the date for our next FoRTS general meeting. Please do make an effort to come along and get involved – the more you get involved, the more we can do! We are planning this to be at 6:30-8:00pm in the RTS hall so it is a great chance to be back on site.

Your FoRTS Team,

Vanessa (Chair), Mark (Treasurer) and Carey (Secretary)


easyfundraising, AmazonSmile, Peoples Fundraising


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Would you like to Train to Teach in 2022/23?

At Richmond upon Thames School (RTS) we are proud to take a lead in local teacher training programmes.

Have you considered training to teach in a local school? RTS is a member of the Waldegrave Training Alliance (WTA) who recruit trainees for Roehampton and St Mary’s University secondary teacher training. If you, or someone you know, would like to train to teach please consider applying to WTA. In shortage subjects trainees can access Bursaries of up to a maximum of £26,000. If you would like to inspire the next generation and train to teach in Teddington, Hampton, Twickenham and Richmond please email WTA@waldegravesch.org for more information, get help to apply and/or arrange a school visit to any of the alliance schools.

Swedish School - Exchange

The Swedish School are recruiting host families for Swedish exchange students, 16-18 years old. The students arrive on 30 August and stay 4-10 months.

In these days with everything getting more expensive, maybe you might need an extra income and might be interested in opening up your spare room to a student? Host families receive £760/month.

The Swedish School's 6th form is located inside The National Archives in Kew. Host families must live within 60 min by bus (according to google maps) from The National Archives.

The host family provides basic care and a room for the student as well as breakfast and dinner.

Everyone can be a host family, young and old, singles or couples, with or without children and we guide new host families all the way through the process.

Anyone interested can contact hostfamily@swedishschool.org.uk for more information.

Girls' Cricket

Middlesex Cricket will be hosting a cricket fun day for girls at William Perkin School on Sunday 24 April. Whether you can play cricket or would just like to come down and try we can cater for all ages and abilities. Parents/Guardians please join us and watch your girls play or drop and come back and pick up later. We have access to the nets and grass area and you are welcome to stay and have a picnic or drop and go. The event is free of charge, please see below on how to book:

Whitton Wanderers Football Club

Whitton Wanderers are seeking new players for their under 12's moving into under 13's for next season 22/23.

Term Dates 2021-2022

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • INSET Day: Monday 16 May

  • Half-Term: Monday 30 May-Friday 03 June

Parents' Calendar