RTS Parents' Newsletter 09 July 2021

Head Teacher's Message

It is hard believe we are about to enter the final week of the school year.

We have sadly come to that time in the Academic Year when we begin to say farewell to members of staff across the school. Although we are sad to be saying goodbye, we are certainly wishing the below colleagues all the very best as they look to start a new and exciting chapter in their lives:

  • Mr Cornwall, Deputy Head - moving to Somerset to be closer to family, accepted a Deputy Head-ship

  • Ms Speed, Assistant Head of Year 7 and Curriculum Lead Girls' PE - moving to Ireland to be with family

  • Mr Paoli, Curriculum Lead Music - returning to Italy to be with family, accepted a Curriculum Lead Music post

  • Mr Taylor, Science Teacher and KS3 Lead - moving to Wales to be with family, accepted a teaching post

  • Ms Benson, English Teacher - moving to Kenya to be with family, will continue in education

  • Ms Hennessy, English Teacher - accepted a secondary teaching post

  • Ms Conway, Learning Support Assistant - accepted a teaching training offer (PGCE)

  • Ms Sira, Data & Exams Officer - accepted a legal secretary role; and

  • Mr Ekuban, Science Technician - accepted a teaching training offer (PGCE)

Before they leave us though we have a packed last week of term to look forward to - Duke of Edinburgh students will be walking to Richmond Park, Year 10 GCSE Geography students are off to FSC Amersham and there is the stream of Alice in Wonderland to squeeze in watching at some point in the week; as well as the final end of term/year celebration assembly!

Next week we will introduce you to the new staff who will be joining us in September - this is our last large recruitment of staff as we will be a full school in September. We are so excited to reach this milestone in the RTS journey!

This week has seen a successful RTS Sports Week - despite the weather trying to ruin the PE Department's hard work! Some Year 7 Enrichment students visited Park Lane Stables in Ham, and the entire Year 8 are visiting The Globe Theatre and the Southbank today! Our Year 10 GCSE Drama and Art students have excelled themselves this week and should be extremely proud of their hard work and achievements. We were also honoured to receive a visit on Monday from Munira Wilson, the Liberal Democrat MP for Twickenham. She currently undertakes the role of Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Health and Social Care). Ms Wilson took some time to watch the Year 7 sports events out on the field, visited an art class; and also spoke to Year 10 students about leadership and public speaking.

Ms K Dooley

RTS Art Gallery

This week we are staying with the Year 10 GCSE Art students again. On Tuesday they took part in their first practical mock exam - 5 hours! The standard of work that they achieved in that time is just incredible and Ms Williams is so proud to share their work with you.

GCSE Drama

This week, Ms Charles lead her Year 10 GCSE Drama students in their first official GCSE practical exam. The exam counts for 40% of their final GCSE Drama mark. By all accounts the students were incredible and all of their hard work and effort paid off - Well done to all involved. Here are a few sneaky photos of their rehearsals and a final one of them about to start the real exam.

Dates for the Diary

  • Last day of term is Friday 16 July. Early finish as follows:

    • Years 7 & 9 finish at 12 noon

    • Years 8 & 10 finish at 12:15

School Visits and Trips

  • Monday 10 July - Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh students to complete their day walk to Richmond Park

  • Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 July - Year 10 GCSE students to FSC Amersham

WisePay Update

We will be moving from WisePay to ParentPay during the summer holidays in preparation for the start of the new academic year. Any balances on your WisePay account at the time of transfer will automatically be transferred over to your ParentPay account. You will receive further communication and information on how to sign up before the end of July.

LFD and PCR Testing

LFD at Home Tests - Students

Please continue to take the tests on Sunday and Wednesday evenings and report the results as normal. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please note that today is the last day that we are issuing test kits in school before the Summer holidays.

LFD at Home Tests - Parents/carers

You can now order/collect LFD tests free of charge from the following:

PCR Tests

If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive (identified as a close contact) you are now advised to seek a PCR even if you are not displaying symptoms. These can now be ordered free of charge from:

Horse Riding Enrichment

Fifty-seven Year 7 students rounded off their year by spending a day at Park Lane Stables learning all about how to care for horses. They did an array of activities including mucking out (a big hit with many of them who loved wheeling the wheelbarrow up the ramp to the muck heap!), grooming, carriage-riding, tacking up and of course riding. They were kept busy all day by Natalie and her fabulous team of volunteers. It was great to reward the students after such a tough 18 months and their beaming smiles at the end of the day were proof of how much they enjoyed the whole experience. Several have already come up to Ms Wright today saying they want to go back!

RTS Sports Week

Despite poor weather hampering some of the week's activities, the PE department is delighted to announce some of the results from sports week.

Year 7

On Monday the Year 7s competed during both their games and morning registration lessons in traditional athletics events including the track, field and jumping events. It was great to see so many of the year group participating and competing throughout the morning. Congratulations to Madiba who were victorious and outscored their counterparts by 32 points! The House sports competitions continue for Year 7s on Monday!

Years 8, 9 & 10

Due to poor weather making the field unsafe, the Year 8s did not take part in any events; however the plan is to try again on Tuesday.

Both Years 9 & 10 managed to dodge the rain and completed a half day of events on the track; and will be competing in their throws and jumps on the respective days when students have Games.

If your son/daughter has competed in an event please ask them how they did; and should they be yet to throw/jump please encourage them when they are scheduled to do so!

As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the PE department via email with the subject FAO: Mr Roberts (PE)

Football/Rugby Boot Request

As the academic year comes to an end, Mr Roberts has a request about your son/daughter's old rugby boots:

If you have any old spare boots collecting dust please consider donating them to my spare boot boxes so that on the days where students may forget/not have any, that they can be lent spares. We very much look forward to September where we hope normal after school and weekend fixtures will be able to take place again, and this only happens due to the fantastic support of parents/carers such as yourself. Thank you in advance!

The RTS Way

Mr Burchett has shared with us the Science Pre-learning work that took Isabella, 7SE, four days to make. This is a great example of representing the power of effort and being an active participator. Well done Isabella!

Year 10 GCSE Geography Field Trip

On Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 July, Year 10 GCSE Geography students will be completing their first fieldwork enquiry. Students will be studying how the cross profile of the River Wye changes along its course by collecting data at three sites.

A quick reminder of the details:

  • Transport details - Students will be travelling by coach

  • Meeting point and timings - Students should meet at The Stoop car park, Langhorn Drive, just off A316 at 07:15. Students will return approximately at 17:00. Students should travel home from The Stoop car park as per their usual arrangements.

  • Clothing - Students should wear RTS games kit and appropriate footwear e.g. wellies/old trainers/hiking boots. Students should bring spare socks/trousers. Depending on the weather conditions, students may need to wear a raincoat/suncream

  • Face coverings - Students will be required to wear a face covering on the coach

  • Food and drink - Please provide your child with a packed lunch. If your child receives Free School Meals then they will be provided with a packed lunch on the day

  • Equipment - Students should NOT bring their ipads but should bring a pen/pencil

Update from Richmond Borough Council - COVID-19 Vaccine

Residents in Richmond are invited to get their COVID-19 vaccine this Saturday, at a walk-in clinic in the Town Centre, with no appointments or NHS numbers required.

As the nation gears up for the removal of COVID restrictions later this month, it is more important than ever that people get both doses of their vaccine, to protect themselves and those around them.

The clinic will be at Richmond Adult Community College, from 10am to 6pm on Saturday 10 July.

No appointments will be needed and both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines will be available. The walk-in clinic will allow people to attend at a time that is convenient for them and means groups of friends can attend together to have their first doses.

It is also an opportunity for people who missed their second dose of the vaccine or haven’t got round to booking it, to ensure they are fully vaccinated. However, please remember that second doses are ONLY given to those who received their first 8 weeks ago or more.

This is the latest walk-in clinic available in Richmond upon Thames – with others planned in the weeks ahead around the borough. See all the other locations (https://swlondonccg.nhs.uk/covid/where-can-you-get-vaccinated/vaccination-walk-in-clinics/).

Transition - Year 7 September 2021

We are regularly updating our dedicated RTS Transition website for our new Year 6-7 parents. If you have a query about enrolment, Summer School, school uniform, Induction Day, or anything else; please check on the Transition website in the first instance. There is also a wealth of information on the main RTS website.

Dates for your diary

  • Mini Transition Tours - The last one is tomorrow, Saturday 10 July - Booking is essential, please see email sent on 29 June for details

  • Monday 02-Friday 06 August - Summer School, details will be emailed out to all those who have signed up soon

FoRTS News

The Big PTA Summer Raffle – Last Chance to Buy!

Thank you to everyone who has purchased raffle tickets and taken part in the Big PTA Summer Raffle 2021. We really appreciate your support and will use the funds to further improve your child’s enrichment opportunities at RTS.

If you’ve not already bought tickets, you can do so here. Ticket sales end at midnight on Sunday 11 July 2021, so don’t delay! Please feel free to share and encourage others to support us. Anyone can purchase a ticket, not just someone associated with a child at the school.

The even better news is that the prize fund for each draw is now a guaranteed £5,000. For every ticket sold, not only does FoRTS receive 50% of ticket sales but the ticket generates 12 chances to win £5,000. Thank you so much, and good luck!

Staff End of Year Collection – closing on 18 July 2021

If you’d like to make a donation to thank staff for their work this academic year, we’ve set up a collection page where you can also leave a personal message. Please visit the RTS staff collection page. Thank you to all of those who’ve donated so far and for all the great messages which we’ll pass onto the school. Staff will put any money donated towards a coffee machine for the staff room. We plan to close the collection on 18 July, so if you’d like to donate, please do so by then.

Second Hand Uniform Donations and Sales

Don’t forget that you can donate any uniform by emailing fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk (please do not take directly into school). Items are re-sold on oldschooluniform.co.uk, so please consider shopping there for any uniform you need for the next school year. Any funds raised go to FoRTS. We thank you for your support.

AmazonSmile, easyfundraising and Virgin Money Giving

You can continue to support FoRTS with free donations as you do your online shopping at easyfundraising and AmazonSmile. You can also make direct donations, including Gift Aid, via our Virgin Money Giving page, or use the “Just Giving” button on the RTS website.

Look out for our end of year roundup next week!

Thank you, FoRTS

To contact FoRTS at any time, please email forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Second Hand Uniform Donations email fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Second Hand Uniform Sales oldschooluniform.co.uk


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk or

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Harlequins Healthy Holidays Scheme’ (FUEL)

Sign up now & join us at the world famous Twickenham Stoop stadium, home of the double English champions, Harlequins!

Feeling inspired by the wonderful world of sport & everything that’s taking place this summer? Join The Harlequins Foundation & take part in an action packed summer of sports, games, team building activities and so much more, plus some very special guests!


Anyone aged 5-16 years, living in Richmond or Kingston.


Every Monday - Thursday this August (2nd - 27th).


Twickenham Stoop Stadium, Langhorn Drive (TW2 7SX)


£25.00 per day.

*places are fully subsidised for those who would otherwise receive free school meals during term time.

More information can be found on AfC’s website - https://kr.afcinfo.org.uk/pages/community-information/information-and-advice/fuel-holiday-activities-and-food-programme/fuel-summer-holiday-programme-2021

The booking link is here - https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/TheHarlequinsFoundation/HHHP.html

Inspiring children and young people, transforming lives

The Eikon Charity supports children and young people to overcome difficulties, become resilient and develop into confident adults who contribute positively to their communities.

Wherever a young person is on that journey and whether they’re feeling good about life or are really struggling, we’re there for them. We believe in their potential.

We invest in young people and give them the skills to respond positively to life’s challenges. We believe in prevention, and where that’s not been possible, in helping early on, before a concern becomes a crisis.

We work with young people directly in schools and communities across Surrey and beyond, one-to-one, in groups and clubs – and with and through partners, supporting them to deliver services that improve young people’s physical and emotional wellbeing and mental health. We work in partnership with schools, communities, health & social care and other organisations, because we believe that working together works.

We recognise that the environments, systems and people surrounding young people play a huge role in achieving the best outcomes for them. So, we work collaboratively with others to understand and shape those influences on their lives and the services that we and they provide. We help other organisations in their work by providing resources and working alongside them to develop whole system and whole school approaches to wellbeing.

Family Explorer Trails

Family explorer trails are a creative way for young Londoners to explore this great city and learn about the world of work.

They will learn about jobs from the past and discover the work people do today. The trails are based in five locations across London. If you would like some of our trails posted to you, please get in touch at curriculum@london.gov.uk

Or they can be viewed and downloaded from our London Curriculum portal.

ADHD Richmond and Kingston Webinars

Please see below some information about our ADHD Richmond and Kingston upcoming webinars in July. For more information and to book, please visit https://adhdrichmond.org/webinars/

ADHD with autism - 6 July 2021, 8pm

This webinar is for parents, carers and professionals wishing to understand more about ADHD and the comorbidity of autism.

Our speaker, Dr Sudipta Sen is a Consultant Paediatrician and Clinical Lead as well as Lead for under 5 Autism Service in Richmond, working for Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

ADHD and medication - 20 July 2021, 8pm

This webinar is for parents, carers and professionals wanting to understand more about the use of ADHD medicines for children and young people.

Our speaker, Professor Peter Hillis a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist. He is a medical doctor (rather than a psychologist) who specialises in the psychiatry of children and teenagers. He is the author of a new publication 'The Parents' Guide to ADHD medicines'.

Term Dates 2020-2021

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021

Parents' Calendar