RTS Parents' Newsletter 03 December 2021

Head Teacher's Message

We now only have 8 school days left until the end of term - and there is still much to do. However, we sadly have had to cancel or postpone various upcoming sports festivals and tournaments - some of which we were in the finals of - which has been devastating for the students (and staff) involved; and other trips and visits may also be at risk.

According to information shared by Richmond Council, Richmond currently have some of the highest COVID case numbers in London, so please can I implore you to be extra vigilant around keeping yourself, your family, and the wider school community safe. It is a collective effort and we must look after each other. If your child is part of the wider testing programme, encourage them to take their LFD test and to report it to school. We would also like to encourage many more students to take an LFD test this weekend before returning to school on Monday. If you or your child displays any symptoms, please arrange for a PCR test and do not send your child into school.

On a positive note, I am extremely delighted and proud to share that, collectively, donations for yesterday's Mufti Day in aid of the Kinsella Trust raised a huge £816!! I am sure that this is a school record - so thank you to everyone who donated - every amount really does help.

Ms K Dooley

Dates for the diary

  • Friday 10 December

    • Christmas Jumper Day - Christmas jumpers to be worn in place of school jumper only, no other school uniform changes

    • Christmas Lunch - please remind your children to pre-order

  • Tuesday 14 December

    • Author visit - Year 8 - TBC

  • Wednesday 15 December

    • School finishes at 12 noon for Christmas Holidays

LFD Testing

LFD at Home Tests - Students

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation in continuing to encourage your child/ren to take LFD tests on Wednesday and Sunday evenings and to report the results to school (via the app on their iPad). It is important to keep the school community protected and safe. With the move to Amber status we would strongly encourage all students to regularly test at home over the next 2 weeks.

Remember that if at anytime you need additional kits you can order them free of charge via the following link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing/regular-rapid-coronavirus-tests-if-you-do-not-have-symptoms/

Contacting the School

If you wish to contact the school, the School Office is open:

  • Monday-Thursday - 08:15-16:30

  • Friday - 08:15-15:00

Telephone: 020 8891 2985

Email: info@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Please use the Parents Communications Summary for guidance on types of query and where advice may be found/who to direct your query to.

Assembly Topics

Assemblies for the coming week and next are as follows:

  • Revision Tips

  • Celebration

RTS Art Gallery

Year 11 Art GCSE students had the wonderful opportunity to visit Tate Britain and Tate Modern last week, taking the Tate Boat between the two. They were very lucky to see some incredible contemporary British artists' work and to be part of an installation of flying drones in the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern.

Students' comments were:

"I cannot believe we have all this wonderful artwork on our doorstep - we should do more gallery trips"

"This artwork is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!"

Well done to the Year 11 students on your impeccable behaviour - Ms Williams reports that it was an absolute pleasure taking you on this trip. She is looking forward to seeing the influences from this trip reflected in your work. Thank you also to Miss Ali and Mr Clarke for accompanying the group.

RTS Trophies!

What another week for sport at RTS!

First up on Monday was an incredible performance from the U15 girl's rugby team at the Middlesex tournament at Grasshoppers RFC. Against Sir Richard Reynolds, the girls won comprehensively with 22 tries to 1! Not far behind them were the U14 team (a mix of Year 7 and 8) who gained silver medals in the cup final.

Then on Tuesday RTS became the proud holders and winners of the Middlesex Plate for both U15 and U14 boy's rugby; as well as the U13 boys coming in the top 10 for the Middlesex junior festival!

The tournament was held at Grasshoppers RFC and both the Year 9 and 10 boys put on dazzling displays and won both games.

The Year 10s were up first and the boys took the game into their own hands and went on to win 27-12.

The Year 9s had a reputation to live up to. In a game that swung from end-end the 21 boys who represented the school were all incredible. The way in which the boys played as a team was a true pleasure to watch.

All this success would not be possible without the support behind the scenes: the students giving up their own time and working so hard, their parent/carers supporting both the school and the children, the support staff working to ensure the students are registered and in the right place at the right time, as well as driving the minibus! Not of course forgetting the PE Department for training the students, giving up their weekends, organising the fixtures and superhuman powers of positivity and encouragement - and their competitive streak!

Our next task is to build a trophy cabinet and ensure we keep the them polished!

FoRTS News

Christmas Trees!

A reminder that if you are buying a real Christmas tree this year, Twickenham Christmas Trees will donate between 15-20% of each tree sale to RTS. All you have to do is go to their webpage and choose "Richmond upon Thames School" in the drop-down menu "Select Fundraise" as you checkout. You then choose, collect, and pay for your tree at Rosebine Car Park. Please feel free to share this with any friends or family who might be thinking of buying a tree from there.

Christmas Raffle

There’s not long left to buy a ticket, and each £3 ticket enters you into all 12 draws! The 12 draws will be held over 6 days, two draws per day, between 13th December and 18th December 2021. Every draw will give you the chance to win up to £5,000! The best news – 50% of your ticket sales goes straight to FoRTS. Please spread the word to family and friends, and good luck all.

Peoples Fundraising – New Donations Site

As you will know, Virgin Money Giving has now closed, but we are happy to announce that you can now make donations through Peoples Fundraising. Donations can be made ad hoc or as a regular payment, and remember that as a registered charity, FoRTS can claim Gift Aid on any donations from UK tax payers – that’s a 25p top up from the government for each £1 donation. Any voluntary donations, including Gift Aid, are very much appreciated. Thank you.

Rugby Parking – the final push!

Despite the freezing weather and cancelled match, the rugby parking volunteers still managed to raise £1,536 last Saturday! We have one final match this year on 27 December, can you help? Please email FoRTS if you can. Many of our regular marshals are away, so even if you can spare an hour, it will help so much.

Amazon Smile and easyfundraising

With many of us shopping online, don’t forget that you can earn free donations for FoRTS when you shop via easyfundraising and AmazonSmile. Thank you!

Your FoRTS Team,

Vanessa (Chair), Mark (Treasurer) and Carey (Secretary)

To contact FoRTS at any time, please email forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Children Online - Setting Parental Controls

This is the time of year parents and carers will be buying devices that access the internet for their children and so we would like to highlight the importance of setting parental controls before giving the devices to children:

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

FUEL programme

The FUEL (Feed Ur Everyday Lives) programme, supporting children on benefits-related Free School Meals, will once again be running over the Christmas break.

After a successful summer, where over 1500 children across Kingston and Richmond engaged with holiday activity and food providers, the programme continues to grow with new locations, providers, and activities available for children across the two boroughs.

As a reminder, the programme offers completely free access for children receiving benefits-related Free School Meals to attend holiday clubs, sports groups, play sessions and more. With most providers operating in the build up to Christmas, this will help young people have a healthy start to the holiday period.

Please visit the website at www.kr.afcinfo.org.uk/KRFUEL.

KR activities programme Winter 25 Nov 21.pdf

Christmas Carol Concert

Off The Record Twickenham are hosting a Christmas Carol Concert with readings and performances from young people in St Mary’s Church, Twickenham on Tuesday 14 December at 18:30.

Please see the flyer for full details, including where to buy tickets (online in advance or on the door). All funds raised go towards supporting Off The Record’s counselling service for young people.

Parent Support Cafe

Eating Disorders

New support for parents and carers in London can be found from from Beat (UK’s leading eating disorder charity).

They can be contacted via the Beat CareEd Support Line for London: 0808 801 0356. Parents can also access NEXUS - weekly telephone coaching and SOLACE - a peer support group over Zoom.

Football Camps - Girls Onl

There are a few exciting opportunities for girls leading up to Christmas. Please see the information below. The girls' camp is open to all abilities.

Girls Only Winter Holiday Camp – Bedfont Sports Club

Come and join a FREE girls’ football camp at Bedfont Sports Club. The football camp is delivered by experienced football coaches who have expert knowledge of girls’ football.

The camp will include learning new football skills, playing matches, and having fun in a safe environment.

No prior football experience is required.

Please supply your daughter with a packed lunch on the day (No nuts are allowed as a safety precaution). We will not be providing food on the day.

Date: Wednesday 22nd December

Time: 10.30am to 2pm

Age group: 6 to 16 years old

Cost: FREE

Address: Bedfont Sports Club – Bedfont Rec Ground/Hatton Rd, Feltham TW14 8JA

To book: https://www.brentfordfccst.com/event/girls-only-football-winter-holiday-camp/

Girls Football Development Centre Trials

Date: Tuesday 21st December 2021

Time: 10am-12pm

Venue Address: Gunnersbury Park Sports Hub, Popes Lane, London, W3 8LQ

Cost: £12

Players will participate in a two-hour training session consisting of one hour of technical practices and one hour of conditioned small-sided games. No feedback will be provided on the day.

The trial is available for new players wishing to join our football programme and is available for both outfield and goalkeepers. Existing players in our football programme do not need to re-trial.

To register: https://www.brentfordfccst.com/event/girls-trials-december/

Bereavement Resources

Sadly, many more families that usual have been affected by bereavement over the last 18 months of the pandemic. We felt that it was important that we share resources with you, so that you are aware of services that are available for young people:

'Skills in STEM' webinar for 14-18 year olds

STEM Learning is hosting STEM Ambassadors from across five different sectors. The last webinar takes place next week.

Schedule: 4.30pm - 5.30pm

  • Thu 09 December - Logistics

In this series of webinars, STEM Ambassadors from a range of industries working in areas such as project management, communications and logistics, for example, will share what they do within the STEM industry and talk about their skills and experiences.

The webinars are designed for pupils aged 14-18 and will be delivered using Zoom with safeguarding settings in place (no cameras, no microphones, interactions will be kept to the Q&A function which will be monitored by a STEM Ambassador Hub employee). Webinars will not be recorded. More information can be found here.

Youth Football

The U15 Youth Football team at NPL Teddington (FA Charter Standard Youth Club) are looking for football players in Year 10 or even Year 9. Please see the flyer for more details.

London Irish Coaching Clinic

On Sunday 19 December London Irish will be holding a Coaching Clinic with London Irish Players. Anyone age 10 and above is welcome to join them at Gunnersbury Park; and additional tickets may also be purchased (Adult - £15 and Child & Junior (£5). Please read the flyer for more exciting details and contact Community@london-irish.com to book your place.

Term Dates 2021-2022

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Christmas break: 16 December 2021 - 04 January 2022

Parents' Calendar