RTS Parents' Newsletter 15 October 2021

Head Teacher's Message

The tragic incident on Tuesday has overshadowed this week in school and cannot go without mention - the school community, and the wider community of Twickenham as a whole, has been shocked by what has happened. However, I must thank you for the incredible support that has been shown towards the school and to the staff. The messages that we have received are extraordinary and written from your hearts - and for that I am truly grateful. We now know that the young man's name was Hazrat Wali, and we have been in contact with Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Family Services who are providing support to his family. We would like to contribute in some small way to this support and will be arranging a fundraising event in due course. As we move through the coming days and weeks, we are offering support in school to those students and staff who need it. Please also find here a statement from Munira Wilson, MP for Twickenham.

As part of our programme around equality, diversity and inclusion for all, alongside raising awareness around safeguarding, our school has been participating in the “None-in-Three” project that is led by researchers at the University of Huddersfield. The purpose of the research is to investigate and prevent dating/relationship violence among young people in the UK. You can find out more information about their work on the website: www.noneinthree.org. Students in Years 9 and 10 were selected at random and, over the past two weeks, have been participating in this research - based on playing a specially developed computer game. The maturity of the students involved has been impressive and we are honoured and excited to be part of this programme.

I am also delighted to announce our two Head Students are Thuy and Ana-Laura. Congratulations to them both and we look forward to them introducing themselves to the school community over the coming weeks.

Ms K Dooley

Dates for the diary

  • Tuesday 19-Thursday 21 October

    • Year 11 Science Mock Examinations

  • Wednesday 20 October

    • Years 7-11 Parent & Tutor Consultation Evening (remote)

      • Reminder that school will close early at 15:00 for this event

  • Friday 22 October

    • Nasal Flu Vaccination

  • Monday 25 October-Friday 05 November

    • Half-Term Break

  • Wednesday 10 November

    • Year 11 Parent & Subject Teacher Consultation Evening (remote). Details will be shared next week.

      • Reminder that school will close early at 14:00 for this event

Contacting the School

If you wish to contact the school, the School Office is open:

  • Monday-Thursday - 08:15-16:30

  • Friday - 08:15-15:00

Telephone: 020 8891 2985

Email: info@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Please use the Parents Communications Summary for guidance on types of query and where advice may be found/who to direct your query to.

RTS Art Gallery

Over the past few weeks the Year 9s have been developing their drawing skills using different mediums to draw peppers. All the students have interpreted their peppers in so many different ways - keep up the good work everyone!

Creative Arts Announcement!

Copy of Lion King Poster - Newsletter.pdf

Tempest Photography

A reminder that the free postage option (with delivery to school) for online photograph orders will close at midnight on Tuesday 19 October. Orders can be placed after this time, but they will incur a postage charge.

LFD Testing

LFD at Home Tests - Students

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation in continuing to encourage your child/ren to take LFD tests on Wednesday and Sunday evenings and to report the results to school (via the app on their iPad). It is important to keep the school community protected and safe.

Test kits will be distributed next week in order that students can continue with the testing programme over the half-term break.

School Meals

School meals at break and lunch-time should continue to be pre-ordered by students. Google Forms have been shared on all Google Classroom Year Groups for students to make their selections in advance. Tutors will assist any students experiencing issues using the forms next week. Please ensure that all ParentPay accounts are topped up in advance.

Attitudes to Learning Summaries - (AP2)

The Attitudes to learning summary (AP2) is now available for you to view on Arbor

This information summarises your child's attitude to learning across all subjects. Further Information on attendance, positive and negative incidents are displayed. If you wish further detail on the breakdown of positive incidents, this is available on your Arbor portal.

If you have any questions, please do raise this with your child's academic tutor at next weeks meetings.

FoRTS News

FoRTS AGM - Proposed New Date Thursday 21 October

We’re sorry that we’re unable to confirm the new date of the AGM. We are proposing to hold it this Thursday at 7.30pm and will confirm this as soon as possible. Please contact FoRTS with any queries.

Car Park Working Bee – Saturday 23 October, from noon

The working bee to tidy the school car park are meeting on Saturday 23rd October from 12pm onwards. Please come along to help prune back some of the overhanging trees and weed the beds. You can email to let us know you can make it, or just turn up with your tools! Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Rugby Parking – Saturday 6 November

England play Tonga on 6 November, and we already have plenty of pre-bookings for the RTS carpark. We’re lucky to have lots of the slots covered but could still do with another couple of marshals. Please get in touch if you can help.

Your FoRTS Team,

Vanessa (Chair), Mark (Treasurer) and Carey (Secretary)

To contact FoRTS at any time, please email forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Second Hand Uniform Donations email fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk

Second Hand Uniform Sales oldschooluniform.co.uk


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk or

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News

Heatham House

Heatham House are offering a 'Girl's Group' on Thursdays 3-6pm where the whole house and all facilities are for females only!

Within this time they will have female only football time with the support of football coaches for young women to either learn some new skills or just have a kick about.

Girls in the house flyer (1).pdf
HH Girl's Football Leaflet.pdf

Heatham Halloween

Heatham House will be running a Halloween event on Wednesday 27 October from 18:30-21:00. Guys and ghouls aged 13-18 years old are invited are invited to Haunted Heatham House, for an evening of devilishly good music that will be loud enough to wake the dead and lift your spirits. Book your ticker here.

Trick or Treat 13+.pdf

Term Dates 2021-2022

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Half-Term: 25 October 2021 - 05 November 2021

  • Christmas break: 16 December 2021 - 04 January 2022

Parents' Calendar