RTS Parents' Newsletter 26 March 2021

Head Teacher's Message

Thank you to those Year 9 parents who were able to join us remotely on Wednesday evening for the Subject Teacher consultation - we hope that you found the conversations useful.

Although Red Nose Day last Friday was very low-key in comparison to previous years, there were enough flashes of red around school to mark the day. Thank you for your donations - the school has raised a total of £280 so far for the charity - it's not too late if you still wish to add to this, the Wisepay option will be available until the end of term.

On Monday 29 March the 'Stay at Home' rule will end but many restrictions will still be in place. Two households or 6 people will be able to meet outside and outdoor sports facilities will also open. Step 2 of the Government roadmap has not yet been confirmed as 12 April, but I expect many of you have already booked your hair appointment in anticipation! This step will also include “most outdoor attractions and settings including outdoor hospitality venues, zoos, theme parks, and drive-in cinemas” so I am hopeful that after Easter some school trips will be able to resume.

Please continue to stay safe.

Ms K Dooley


Early Closure

Wednesday 31 March: Last day of Spring Term

    • Years 7 & 9 will finish at 12 noon

    • Years 8 & 10 at 12:15

Start of Summer Term

Monday 19 April: First day of Summer Term

  • Years 7 & 9 will start at 09:20

  • Years 8 & 10 at 09:35

All students should arrive at school following social distancing Government guidelines.

Please do not arrive before your set start time.

No Onsite Visitors

Due to ongoing restrictions, no parents/carers are permitted on to the school site. We are also not able to come to the school gate to collect forgotten items such as packed lunches, homework, iPads etc.

LFD at Home Tests

  • Years 7 & 9: Tuesday & Friday

  • Years 8 & 10: Monday & Thursday

Tests should be taken at home before school.

COVID-19 Symptoms

Despite ongoing asymptomatic testing, please remember that for the health and safety of the school community, students should NOT be sent in to school if they, or a member of their family, are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • a high temperature

  • a new, continuous cough

  • a loss of your sense of smell or taste or it’s changed.

PCR and LFD testing during Ramadan

The British Islamic Medical Association’s view is that taking polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or lateral flow device (LFD) tests during Ramadan does not invalidate the fast.

People may feel more comfortable doing the tests when they are not fasting. In this case, with the move to home-testing, tests can be carried out at any time.

RTS Art Gallery

This week's contributions, shared by Ms Williams, are from our Year 10 students.

If you are interested in seeing more art contributions from RTS students , please do have a look at our RTS Online Art Gallery, we have some very talented students in school.

After School Sports Clubs

Reminder: After school sports clubs this week:

The sessions until Easter will consist of Ultimate Frisbee and Rugby taking place on the school playing fields; whilst Basketball and Netball will be on the school hard courts.

  • Year 7 - Monday 29 March: 14:25-15:15

  • Year 8 - Tuesday 30 March: 16:00-16:45

No sign up is necessary, students should head to the activity area as soon as they finish the school day. Students will be informed/reminded of these after school sessions during their games lesson on the day.

For students wishing to participate in rugby they MUST bring in boots and a gumshield.

PE/Games Kit

A plea from the PE department:

Please ensure student mid layers are labelled with their names. As the weather is becoming warmer, students may choose to take their mid-layer off whilst they are outside; and it is very common for students to accidentally pick up the incorrect mid-layer. If mid-layers are named, it is a lot easier for them to be reunited with the correct students.

In addition, a reminder that students are responsible for their own belongings, e.g. water bottles and mid-layers, and they should make sure they have everything they took outside with them before lining up to return to school at the end of the lesson.


Here at RTS, we joined many other schools around the country in celebrating Pi Day. Mr Roxburgh and the Maths Department would like to thank all of the students who engaged with the STEM activities during period 5, it was great to see them all get involved. Another big thank you to everyone who submitted a picture for the annual RTS Pi Day group photo. We had a lot of creative submissions and have created a Pi themed collage for 2021. Can you spot the RTS Pi Pie? Thank you to AJ's Proper Pies for making this for us!

French Competitions

A message from Ms Chung and the Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Department:

We would like to offer our students the opportunity to take part in the Modern Foreign Languages Department’s Easter competitions, composed of a French bake-off challenge or a poem recital competition.

Poetry reciting is taught extensively in schools in France and other francophone countries and is a large part of growing up in the French school system. Most French people still remember their favourite poems learned as a child!

Students who wish to enter the competitions will be asked to practice the poems over the Easter holidays at home. We have selected poems for each year group and a few recipes for the bake-off challenge.

Further details, including information on dates and prizes, shall be posted on the year group notices on Google Classrooms.

Please encourage your child to participate in this event, which will support their path to fluency in French.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing their entries!

Year 6-7 Transition

This week Mr Jones, Assistant Head: Wellbeing and Head of Year 7, introduces himself to you and shares some details of what will happen next in our Transition Programme.

Cycle Training

We are pleased to share the below information from Pedal Up regarding school cycle training - many students in Year 7 may not have been able to do their cycle training in Year 6 due to lockdown. We had planned to run a dedicated course with them at RTS during February half-term but obviously this could not happen. We continue to work with them in supporting safer cycling.

FoRTS News

Department Term Bids - Library

As you may know, each term departments bid for funding from FoRTS to finance some little “extras” to enrich the educational experience for all RTS students. We recently shared with you a photo from the PE department of their new sports equipment; the Library purchased these Manga books for the children to borrow; and some art easels are on their way. The Library department would like to pass on their thanks:

"Please thank FoRTS for their generosity - I know the students will love reading the books!"

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Second hand uniform sales are now live! Please visit oldschooluniform.co.uk and search for “Richmond Upon Thames School”. More items will be added as we receive them. Please email fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk if you have items to donate. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, and to the organisers for setting this up. Remember, please do not send uniform donations to school.

Knight Frank - £1,000 donation to FoRTS

We have just learnt that Knight Frank, the real estate agents with offices in Richmond and all over the country, have kindly donated £1,000 to FoRTS. This is a huge boost and will make a real difference to FoRTS and the RTS pupils. Many thanks, Knight Frank!

Donate for Free when you Shop Online

At this particularly challenging time for us all, please don’t forget that over 4,100 shops and sites will donate to Friends of RTS for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them. This means you can support the school when you get your groceries, order a takeaway, renew your insurance policies or buy anything else online – at no extra cost to yourself! If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s easy and completely FREE to use. You can also become a supporter of Friends of RTS on AmazonSmile. It’s easy to set up and raise money for the school!


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk or

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News


The NHS wants to remind young people, parents and school professionals about Kooth’s online support community of counsellors and wellbeing practitioners, plus resources to help with online sessions that promote emotional health and wellbeing during this difficult time.

Kooth is accredited by The British Association of Psychotherapy and Counselling and a trusted delivery partner of the NHS.

Kooth is for all young people aged 11-22 in Richmond to get support for anything that's on your mind. It’s a free online chat service that works on your phone or computer. There are no waiting lists and it’s totally anonymous – you just make up a name. You can find out more by watching the video below.

There are also urgent helplines you can call:

Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm

020 8547 6171 / 020 3513 3238

24 hours, 7 days a week

0800 028 8000

Free advice and support are there if you need it.

Psychology in Schools Team

Two events that may be of interest to parents/carers, please clink on the event title to be taken through to the booking page. These workshops are free.

Tuesday 27 April

  • 18:00 – 19:00

Supporting our young people with anxiety

  • 19:15 – 20:15

Supporting our young people with low mood

Family Art Activity to complete at home

Follow the walkthrough to create your own textures and mini-grotto inspired by Pope’s Grotto in Twickenham. This activity is designed for families to complete together.


New Podcast on Youth Clubs

Youth councillor Isabella Topley interviews Powerstation Youth Club members, Toni and Abbie, about their experiences being at the youth centre. What actually happens there and why should we join one? You can listen to the episode on Spotify here.

Term Dates 2020-2021

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Easter break: 01-16 April 2021

  • Summer Half-Term break: 31 May-04 June 2021

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021

Parents' Calendar