RTS Parents' Newsletter 22 January 2021

Head Teacher's Message

This week in school has flown by and feels much more settled. There is much to do as we continue to plan for the school's next cohort of staff and students to join us in September. This last large intake will finally take us to capacity - an exciting milestone in any start-up school's journey; and one that we have planned for a long time.

Once again, we thank you for the overwhelming support that our teachers are receiving via email, phone calls and messages into the School Office - please do not underestimate how challenging and unsettling these circumstances are to teach in, even for experienced teachers, and for those that have their own families working or remote learning at home too. These messages are very much appreciated and really do make a difference.

Looking ahead, please note the following dates in your diaries:

  • Wednesday 10 February: Year 9 GCSE Options Evening (Remote) - Details to follow

  • Monday 15-Friday 19 February: Half-Term break

  • Friday 26 February: INSET Day - School closed to students/no remote learning

Please continue to stay safe.

Ms K Dooley

RTS Art Gallery

This week we have more wonderful cross curricular symmetry patterns from Year 7 to share with you - such vibrancy and colour.

Myths and Legends Talk

Year 7 were lucky enough to have Martina Rodda from the University of Oxford join their Meet on Wednesday. 7BL had a long conversation with Martina about myths, legends and monsters in particular which fed into their work over the past term and a half looking at global mythology and Shakespeare's The Tempest. The recording of the conversation has been sent to all Year 7 form tutors. Thank you to Ms Edwards for arranging such an interesting session.

Year 8 Mechanical Breathing Projects (Science)

A huge well done to all those who completed their mechanical breathing projects in Science! After much deliberation the winners are:

Rishi, Sienna, Sam C., Daniel G., Joshua B., and Leia.

MFL News

“Our Cultural Diversity celebrated through the lens of International Mother Language Day" - A message from Mr Gaye:

The diverse cultural origins of the families and teachers in our school community benefits all of us and is one of many gifts we are grateful for. Across all year groups are representatives from many countries speaking languages that include Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian and English. To encourage pupils’ openness and curiosity about other cultures and celebrate our rich and diverse heritage we will celebrate the International Mother Language Day on 21 February with a competition that encourages pupils to explore languages as a window to a culture.

What is International Mother Language Day?

Since the year 2000, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated all over the world on 21 February to promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism.

This celebration is an opportunity to reflect on the role languages play in our lives and the importance of preserving linguistic diversity in the world and in our local communities. Every language is a window into a culture, a way of thinking, living and transmitting knowledge. Our multilingual classrooms are the ideal environment for discussing the importance of language in a child’s life with a view to fostering tolerance and respect.

History of International Mother Language Day

The reason why International Mother Language Day falls on 21 February is that in 1952, four young students were killed in Bangladesh during a protest because of a Bengali and Urdu language controversy.

After this unfortunate incident and many years of unrest, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) decided to make International Mother Language Day an annual event, celebrated around the world.

Why is International Mother Language Day Important?

Through globalisation, many languages are under threat of disappearing altogether, but they are a crucial aspect of preserving cultures around the world. Therefore, celebrating International Mother Language Day is important as it ensures these languages are not forgotten, as well as keeping the cultural, heritage and history of countries intact. People should be proud of their mother language and want to have the drive to learn more.

Reading Update

Reading at Home

Reading at home is a great way to switch off from screens and relax, as well as developing skills that will help children succeed across the curriculum. During this lockdown period, students will spend time independent reading during tutor time and are encouraged to track their reading habits through an online journal. Suggested reading can be found on the RTS website.

Reading Skills

This year in English lessons we have been using ‘Reciprocal Reader’ strategies to help students break down challenging texts and become expert readers. To help you carry on the skills that students have been using in lessons, please take a look at the video below where you can find out more about how ‘Reciprocal Reader’ works and how you can use it with your child at home.

Borough Libraries

Even though our local library buildings might be closed, there are hundreds of ebooks available for children to borrow via the Richmond Upon Thames Library website. It allows users to browse books and read a sample before borrowing. This is a free service to use and it is possible to apply online for a library card if you don’t have one already.

Y7 Book Club

Our new book club for Year 7 students is moving online! This week, students are choosing our first online book from a selection of three. We will be meeting virtually via Google Meet to discuss our chosen book and talk about all things reading related. If any students would like to join the book club, please ask them to contact Ms Benson via the Year 7 Notices Google Classroom.

Letter from AfC

We have received, and been requested to share with our parents/carers, a joint letter from the Lead Member for Children's Services and Education, Cllr Penny Frost, and the Director of Children's Services, Ian Dodds.

Please read the letter below which encourages parents/carers to keep their child at home to limit numbers in school, where it is possible to do so. This is in line with the government guidance of 08 January 2021. We have also made this available on our website.

Richmond letter to all parents and carers 18-01-2021 (1).pdf

Support Information

The Community Public Health Nurse has kindly shared the document below. It details the support that is available for families in the borough of Richmond during these challenging times. Support can take many forms - food, equipment, advice, and financial. There are many agencies and small groups out there offering help if you need it.

Food and Support Jan 2021.pdf

Redevelopment Plans

Parents/carers may be interested in knowing that Clarion Housing, the developers of the new homes on the old Richmond Upon Thames College site on Egerton Road, are launching a new consultation on their updated plans for the site. Please see below a leaflet regarding the consultation and details of the project website and live webinars. They are asking for all feedback by 01 February.

Clarion Housing - Richmond College.pdf

A316 Road Works

We have been advised by Richmond Council that gas mains replacement works will be happening on the A316 Great Chertsey Road - between Hospital Bridge Roundabout and Apex Corner. The works will commence on Monday 25 January and will last for approximately 13 weeks.

In order to allow for sufficient space for the replacement of pipes, and to ensure the safety of both the public and the workforce, traffic flow will be reduced to a single lane on Great Chertsey Road in both directions. A section of the footpath on Great Chertsey Road will also be closed for the duration of the works.

Term Dates 2020-2021

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Spring Half-Term break: 15-19 February 2021

  • Easter break: 01-16 April 2021

  • Summer Half-Term break: 31 May-04 June 2021

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021

Parents' Calendar