RTS Parents' Newsletter 19 March 2021

Head Teacher's Message

It has been wonderful, if somewhat noisy, to have the students all back in school this week! It is as if the last 3 months didn't happen - students have settled straight back in to routines and friendships. LFD testing is now home based and we would continue to suggest that this is built into family routine and life - testing twice a week on the days as advised below. We are pleased to be able to offer after school sports clubs again - with the lighter evenings ahead of us it is a great opportunity for students to enjoy themselves and spend time with friends; please read the update from Mr Roberts.

While there has been some relaxation in England’s lockdown restrictions, it is important to note that restrictions remain.

Please continue to stay safe.

Ms K Dooley


Early Closure

Wednesday 24 March: Early finish due to Year 9 Parent - Subject Teacher Evening.

    • Years 7 and 9 will finish at 14:45

    • Years 8 and 10 at 15:00.

No Onsite Visitors

Due to ongoing restrictions, no parents/carers are permitted on to the school site. We are also not able to come to the school gate to collect forgotten items such as packed lunches, homework, iPads etc.

LFD at Home Tests

  • Years 7 & 9: Tuesday & Friday

  • Years 8 & 10: Monday & Thursday

Tests should be taken at home before school. Please report the results via the NHS/Government website and also via the 'Log Result' form on the homepage of student's iPads (the icon is of a face and a hand holding a swab to the nose). Do not email or text in the results please.

COVID-19 Symptoms

Despite ongoing asymptomatic testing, please remember that for the health and safety of the school community, students should NOT be sent in to school if they, or a member of their family, are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • a high temperature

  • a new, continuous cough

  • a loss of your sense of smell or taste or it’s changed.

Lunch Form

Lunch is available to pre-order as per last term. Students can access the lunch order form via their Year Group Notices on Google Classroom. The menu is available on our website.

Cycling to School

A reminder that all students who cycle to school must bring a good quality D-lock to lock their bike to the bike racks. We have noticed that many students are leaving their bikes unlocked. Schools are often a target for bike thieves despite anti-theft measures being in place (anti-climb paint and CCTV). Please also ensure that your child's bike is insured as students leave their bikes at their own risk; and the school cannot accept any responsibility for theft or damage to bikes whilst on the school site.

School Uniform

Both of our uniform suppliers are still currently closed under national lockdown restrictions; however both have advised us that they are still operating an online service for all of your uniform needs.

  • School Days, Whitton are operating a click and collect service; and

  • Stevensons are delivering.

  • Second Hand Uniform will soon be available at oldschooluniform.co.uk, with all proceeds going to the school (to donate uniform email fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk)

Young people, drugs and alcohol - what every parent needs to know!

Last chance to sign up to this presentation being held on Monday 22 March. The event starts at 18:45, finishing at 20:15 at the latest. It will be hosted by The Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation. Full information is in the 26 February newsletter. Please check your email on 10 March 2021 for the link to register and sign up for this event.

Mental Health

It has been well documented that there have been growing concerns regarding wellbeing and mental health bought on by COVID-19 lockdown.

The BBC has created a well-resourced area called Headroom; this area contains a variety of resources such as videos, real life stories and podcasts to support both adults and teenagers. Please be aware that not all of the resources may be suitable for all ages; however you may wish to guide your children to the resources you feel may support them.

RTS Art Gallery

It's back into full swing in the Art Room this week and the Year 7's Symmetry Bugs have come alive!

If you are interested in seeing more art contributions from RTS students , please do have a look at our RTS Online Art Gallery, we have some very talented students in school.

Science Week Update

Ms Verma writes: All students took part in British Science Week (08-12 March). They celebrated science, technology, engineering; and mathematics through a range of activities on and off screen. The theme for Science Week was “Innovating for the future”.

Many students completed nature walks outside and identified different species of plants with their Woodland Trust app - well done to Sara (Y8) who identified 7 Silver Birch trees on her walk.

Year 7 students represented RTS brilliantly as they chatted to scientists live - asking inquisitive and insightful questions. The scientists were incredibly impressed by everyone who participated.

Household items were reused by many in a series of engineering challenges. We were particularly impressed by Jack and Ella-May in Y9 who made a hot air balloon and car.

Mr Burchett conducted a live interview and question session with students and a sports scientist colleague about his career journey and running his own business.

And finally, students toured the Science, Natural History, and Oxford University History of Science museums.

The Science Department is incredibly proud of the effort and engagement over the last week, and encourage you to take a look at some examples of wonderful student work. Well done RTS!

After School Sports Clubs

An update from Mr Roberts: Starting on Monday 22 March, after school sports clubs will be returning for Years 7 and 8 only to begin with. These are led by the PE department and will follow the most up to date Government, and National Governing Bodies, guidelines.

The sessions until Easter will consist of Ultimate Frisbee and Rugby taking place on the school playing fields; whilst Basketball and Netball will be on the school hard courts.

  • Year 7 - Monday 22 and 29 March: 14:25-15:15

  • Year 8 - Tuesday 23 and 30 March: 16:00-16:45

No sign up is necessary, students should head to the activity area as soon as they finish the school day. Students will be informed/reminded of these after school sessions during their games lesson on the day.

For students wishing to participate in rugby they MUST bring in boots and a gumshield.

Richmond Rugby

One of RTS's sports club partners, Richmond Rugby will be running a youth centre on Mondays and Wednesdays from 16:00-18:00, until the end of May. These sessions are free and are available for all local secondary school age children.

In addition to this, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, students can attend free fitness sessions at the club, these will run from 16:30-17:00.

Further information and booking forms to attend these sessions can be found by following this link.

Careers Corner

London Screen Academy is a state-funded sixth form academy, based in Islington, set up by industry for young people interested in film, TV, animation and VFX. LSA trains young people, from all backgrounds, in behind-the-camera skills and providing them with unprecedented access to real-world practice. Through the power of storytelling, students develop their creative, technical, and academic skills to pave their journey into the industry. All students work towards a UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma which is equivalent to 3 A-Levels. Students also pick up an additional qualification from the following options: A-level Maths, A-level English Literature or Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Progression routes after LSA include entry-level roles in film and TV, undergraduate degrees at university, or students may choose to use the skills and knowledge they gain at LSA to succeed in other professions. For more information about the curriculum, visit the website here.

LSA is a great opportunity for students interested in the Film and TV industry or enjoy subjects such as English, Art, Design & Technology, Film, Media, Music, Photography and more. The final virtual Open Event will take place on Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 5:30pm; students and parents can sign up for the session via this link: https://lsa.ac.uk/events. The Open Event will provide insight into life at LSA, the curriculum and our links with industry as you'll hear from the teachers and students at LSA.

You can also check out their Filmmakers of Tomorrow commercial. This showcases LSA students in various production roles as they demonstrate their knowledge of being on a film set. There is also a twist to the end as they want young people to guess and create their own content on what they think could be in the briefcase.


A message from Mr Parfitt and Ms Dunningham:

Census Day - Sunday 21 March 2021

The Humanities Department will be celebrating this 10 yearly survey in KS3 History/Geography lessons over the next week. Students will consider why households and communities change over time and how the census can bring these stories to life. In addition, students will be given the opportunity to think about the usefulness of the Census before designing their own Census style questionnaire, which they will test on a friend/family member/guardian. We hope this experience will allow students to share their own stories within the RTS community. Don't forget to complete your own Census!

FoRTS News

Family Enrichment Opportunity – Chinese Language and Culture Workshop 3

The next Chinese Language and Culture workshop will take place via Zoom on Sunday 21 March 15:00-16:00. Mei will be teaching some social expressions in Chinese and talking about the first Chinese emperor and Terracotta Warriors.

There is no need to have attended workshop 1 or 2 to join in. All Friends of RTS are welcome so feel free to invite family and friends who you think would enjoy it.

Please email forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk if you would like to attend. The session is free, however if you are in a position to donate, the FoRTS Virgin Money Giving page is now live! There is a guide donation of £10 per family, with all proceeds going to the school.

Donate for Free when you Shop Online!

At this particularly challenging time for us all, please don’t forget that over 4,100 shops and sites will donate to Friends of RTS for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them. This means you can support the school when you get your groceries, order a takeaway, renew your insurance policies or buy anything else online – at no extra cost to yourself! If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s easy and completely FREE to use. You can also become a supporter of Friends of RTS on AmazonSmile. It’s easy to set up and raise money for the school!

Second Hand Uniform Donations

Just a reminder that we are now able to take donations of second hand uniform. Thank you to those who have already donated. If you have any uniform to donate, please email fortsuniform@rts.richmond.sch.uk. Once items have been processed, they will be listed for purchase on oldschooluniform.co.uk. Please do not send donations into school.


If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.

Richmond and Kingston SPA

The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008

  • Out of hours: 020 8770 5000

Hounslow Early Help Assessment


Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858

  • Email: help@nspcc.org.uk or

  • Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)

Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News


The NHS wants to remind young people, parents and school professionals about Kooth’s online support community of counsellors and wellbeing practitioners, plus resources to help with online sessions that promote emotional health and wellbeing during this difficult time.

Kooth is accredited by The British Association of Psychotherapy and Counselling and a trusted delivery partner of the NHS.

Kooth is for all young people aged 11-22 in Richmond to get support for anything that's on your mind. It’s a free online chat service that works on your phone or computer. There are no waiting lists and it’s totally anonymous – you just make up a name. You can find out more by watching the video below.

There are also urgent helplines you can call:

Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm

020 8547 6171 / 020 3513 3238

24 hours, 7 days a week

0800 028 8000

Free advice and support are there if you need it.

New Podcast on Youth Clubs

Youth councillor Isabella Topley interviews Powerstation Youth Club members, Toni and Abbie, about their experiences being at the youth centre. What actually happens there and why should we join one? You can listen to the episode on Spotify here.

The Wild Mind Project

Young Mind - Wellbeing Programmes for 13-25 in Richmond, Kingston & Hounslow

A free programme for young people who are feeling low, anxious, stressed or isolated.

The programme offers a range of nature and creative outdoor based activities.

Both art and nature can make a significant difference to mental fitness. The programme can help to release stress or alleviate symptoms of depression, build optimism and develop a sense of belonging.

"I think this is the best activity programme that could be prescribed to young people with mental health issues and I really feel happy with what’s come out of it, and I’ve made a supportive group of friends – I would encourage anyone to do it and if I could I would love to do it every week", young person who attended our programme.

Starting on 21 March 2021, each programme includes five weekly 2-hour sessions. For further information please contact us by email: hello@thewildmindproject.org or phone 020 8977 9989.

To book on the programme, please complete the booking form on the website.

Autism Seminars

Please find attached a flyer about the next National Autistic Society webinar for families of autistic children on managing anger. If you know of any families that might be interested please pass on the information to them.

Term Dates 2020-2021

Full term dates and Inset day information is available on the website:

  • Easter break: 01-16 April 2021

  • Summer Half-Term break: 31 May-04 June 2021

  • Last day of Summer term for students: Friday 16 July 2021

Parents' Calendar