Google Forms

Log into Student Gmail to see Google Form/Quiz

(If you have followed the steps to log into Clever on the device you are already logged into Google - skip below)

To sign in to Safari with your Google Account:

  1. On your Macbook, iPhone or iPad, open the Safari app.

  2. Go to

  3. Tap your profile image or Sign in.

  4. Follow the sign-in steps.

To sign in to Chrome with your Google Account:

  1. Open Google Chrome, and look for your user icon in the top right.

  2. Open Google Chrome, and select your user icon. ...

  3. Open Google Chrome, and select the user icon in the top right.

  4. Select Turn On Sync.

  5. Enter your Google email address, then select Next.

  6. Enter your Google Password, then select Next.

  1. Tap the "Login with Google button."

  2. Sign in with Google email address

  3. Tap "Next"

  4. Enter Google email address AGAIN

  5. Tap "Next"

  6. Enter password

Password = Rtm-Student ID (Lunch Code)

example: “Rtm-12345”

Once logged into Google - Go to

Find the email from the teacher: "Score released..."

Tap "View" to see quiz with answers