Our thanks to Stephanie Beck, an instructional librarian at Downers Grove South High School, for creating this Lincoln Award Genially Template.
What is the Lincoln Book Award?
The Lincoln Award Program is a statewide program from AISLE (Association of Illinois School Library Educators) designed to encourage HS students to read.
Each year librarians and HS students make a list of 20 nominees. (This list can include both adult & young adult fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, and story collections.)
The book that gets the most student votes statewide is declared that year's winner!
How do I join?
READ! Then, once you finish a nominee, see Mrs. Jinkins or Mrs. Simmons so we can add that title to your tally.
You only need to read THREE of the nominated titles between now and March 13 in order to vote.
The REAL PRIZE, of course, is the pleasure you derive from reading, BUT participation also earns you other prizes, including free books and gift cards to local businesses!
Earn prizes!
Each time you finish a book, you'll get a pin for your lanyard.
Every month, we'll draw a name from those people who have reported what they've read to earn free books.
August: Alexis G.
September: Arianna M.
When you vote in March, we'll draw names to win gift cards...and more books!