Hours:  7:30 - 3:30 

Mrs. Jinkins, Librarian & Mrs. Winters, Library Aide 

May Events in the LMC

Thurs. May 9: National Make a Book Day with Freshman Seminar students with As, Bs, and Cs. 

Thurs. May 9: HubsREAD meets during FLEX time to plan HubsREAD summer camp days.

Mon. May 13: All books due to the LMC.

Mon. May 13: Last GACME Club meeting of the Year. Goodbye seniors!

May 20-23: Closed for Inventory.

Mon. May 20: Last Fiction Addiction meeting of the year to plan next fall and discuss July 27 field trip to YA Midwest Bookfest.   

May 24 & 28: Open for quiet study.