Title I Information

What is Title I?

Title I is a component of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This is a federally funded program that allocates supplemental money to schools around the country based on the number of low-income families residing in a district. Districts are then able to use that funding to create educational support systems for students who are in need of educational support. The funding and programs work to ensure that all students are able to be successful in school.

What does the Title I program look like in RSU #87?

All three schools in RSU #87 (Carmel Elementary School, Suzanne Smith Elementary School and Caravel Middle School) meet the requirements for Title I, and all three have been identified by the federal government as a "Schoolwide Title I" program. This means that the district is able to leverage funding to meet the needs of all students. As part of our program, we have dedicated, certified interventionists that support students in the areas of mathematics and literacy.

How can I get involved?

There are a number of ways that parents can be involved in the school's Title I programming. The first way to become involved is through communication with your child's classroom teacher and the school interventionists. Both educators can provide you with information about your child's progress and ways you can support your child at home. In addition, information will be sent home through Title I about district-sponsored Family Engagement events after school. These are great opportunities to see your child's learning in action and support their growth at school. Finally, beginning in January of each year, the district's Title I committee meets to begin working on the upcoming year's Title I goals. Parents are encouraged to attend and share information and insights from a parent's perspective. Specific dates and times for these meetings will be shared through the Title I staff.

ESEA Public Comments for Application

RSU #87 accepts funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 196. As part of ESEA, RSU #87 is required to provide reasonable opportunity for public comment on the ESEA consolidated application and consider such comment prior to the submission of the application. Our ESEA team composed of a representative from all stakeholder groups, has been working on a draft proposal for Title IA, Title IV and Title V funding for the 2020-2021 school year. Below you will find an outline for the draft proposal based on data gained throughout the school year and district, school, and ESEA goals.

Potential Title IA Projects (Approximately $167, 408.92)

      • Staffing: Interventionists at all three schools and support staff
      • Providing support to homeless students
      • Intervention curriculum and programming supplies, books, etc.
      • Training for interventionists
      • Family engagement support and resources

Potential Title IV Projects (Approximately $16,203.01)

    • Increased mental health and counseling services for students.

Potential Title V Projects (Approximately $18,664.00)

    • Professional development for staff
    • Book studies
    • PLC support and materials
    • Travel for conferences and workshops

Potential 2020-2021 District Goals:

1. Increase student proficiency in mathematics.

2. Increase student proficiency in reading.

3. Increase teacher access to professional development opportunities.


Please click on the link below to provide feedback or comments you would like us to consider for the 2020-2021 ESEA application.

ESEA Feedback Form

Title I Policies:

Click here to view the RSU #87 policies concerning Title I programming.