Phoenix Time

During the month of March (2021), SMMS showcased the lives of women who have impacted our society through the ages. During Phoenix Time, students created mosaics of some of these amazing women in history. Their artwork is shown below!

Amelia Earhart

Vice President Kamala Harris

Malala Yousafzi

Margaret Chase Smith

Susan B. Anthony

Sally Ride

Rachel Carson

During Phoenix Time this week, students investigated the frustrations and benefits that occur when working with a group of individuals. After identifying the obstacles that can slow a group's progress, they brainstormed strategies for persevering through the frustration to achieve their goal. After doing some meaningful thinking and conversing about group dynamics, the students were presented with a group challenge: Planning and creating a Harvest Time Scarecrow. They were given a pumpkin, the remaining class time to plan the details of their scarecrow, and the following Phoenix Time period to build their scarecrow. The students in Cohort B, had the added challenge of creating a scarecrow that continued the theme of what the students in Cohort A had chosen to create, the day before. Roaming around the school, camera in hand, it was heartening to listen to students' conversations as they constructed their scarecrows. Group leaders emerged, problem-solving-based conversation ensued, and creativity and smiles abounded. During this pandemic, we are striving to create a sense of community and belonging in our school. Below are the Harvest Time Scarecrows students made with their group-mates!

Mario & Luigi

Shrek, Fiona, & Baby Ogre

Pennywise & Dead Sally

A Day in the Life of a Middle Schooler, During Covid-19

The Raven & Lenore

The Headless Horseman

Mary Poppins & Witch

Dora the Explorer & Boots

Cowboy and Cowgirl

Characters from Among Us


Mickey Mouse

Bob Ross

Harvest Harry of the Room 250 Gang

Tin Man & Dorothy

Oompa Loopa & Charlie

Shrek & Pinocchio

Football Player & Coach

Toy Story

Thackery Binx & Winifred Sanderson

Winnie the Pooh Stuck in the Honey Pot & Christopher Robin

Sponge Bob & Squidward

Caution!!! Resting Players (Yankees & Patriots)

Phoenix Man & Ma'am