Digital Citizenship

☆ what is Digital Citizenship, Anyway?

In short, Digital Citizenship is the practice of using technology in a socially and culturally appropriate way. You can think of it sort of like being ethics, but for tech use.

Check out this infographic to get a better understanding of what Digital Citizenship is.

(Photo credit to ISTE- click the photo to redirect to the original post.)

If you look at those statistics, you'll see why Digital Citizenship matters. We're educators for an entire generation of children who have NEVER known a world without the iPhone. Did you see the reference in section 2 about "Gen Z"- some people are also calling them the iGeneration! Most kiddos get access to the web before we ever meet them, so it's critical that we instil safe and healthy habits as early as possible.

Read all about it!

Not sure how to talk to your youngsters about Digital Citizenship? Try a picture book to get the conversation going!

Check out this list.

Or this one...

Or this one!