Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to contact you?

Please send me an email with your child's name and school in the email title. (Example: Victoria Guiliani Shapleigh) I will answer emails as quickly as I can during the school day, any emails sent after 4:00pm will be replied to by 7:00pm, any emails after 7:00pm will be answered the following morning around the start of the school day.

My child would like to have their own instrument, where would I go to get one?

It is always exciting to own your own instrument. RSU57 goes through David French Music, found at davidfrenchmusic.com. This is a rent-to-own program where payments are in monthly installments of approximately $30 until the instrument is paid off. The payment includes a stand, free book, as well as a protection plan if the instrument gets damaged!

How long would it take to pay off an instrument through the company?

The length of time it would take to pay off an instrument depends on if you are paying the minimum amount monthly and which instrument you are renting. All information about the amount owed can be found on the company website (davidfrenchmusic.com) under the "my account" tab.

I found an instrument on marketplace for a much cheaper price, should I get that?

Buying used instruments can be fairly risky. Unless you have someone who can play or inspect the instrument before paying for it, there is a chance that the instrument won't work properly. Depending on the age of the instrument, the ease of playing could be questionable and hinder the progress of the child.

My child wants a colorful instrument and I found one for a low price, should I get that?

While very pretty to look at, most colored instruments are made of a cheaper grade plastic/ thin peeling of color, resulting in poor sound or flaking color. These instruments are definitely a "you get what you pay for" kind of deal and often break very easily.

My child wants to join band, but I cannot afford it right now. Is there any other way to get an instrument?

Of course, finances should never be a factor in if a child can participate in band or not! We have a selection of school owned instruments that can be loaned for the school year. As long as the instruments are cared for and returned at the end of the year, we can keep this borrower program going!