Data Security

Google Two Factor Authentication

All staff email accounts at RSU 57 utilize Google's 2 factor authentication. This security measure will prevent 99% of all attempts to compromise our staff's email accounts.

For more information please follow the link below.

GoGuardian for Google for Education

While RSU 57's networks are protected and web filtered by a firewall. We also subscribe to GoGuardian. This service gives us greater control over the web content our students can access through the district provided Chromebooks and Google Chrome on other devices.

For more information please follow the link below.

Secure Printing Through Uniflow

RSU 57 subscribes to the Uniflow secure printing service through Canon. Each staff member is provided a scan card. When they send a print job off for printing. The request is stored on a secured server until the staff member visits a copier anywhere in the district. Once they scan their card a copier their print queue will be visible and they can select which print jobs they would like to print at that time. This not only eliminates possible sensitive information sitting on a copier, but it also saves on paper!

For more information please follow the link below.

Cisco Meraki Wireless Networks

Our school district utilizes Cisco's Meraki wireless networks. Every classroom is outfitted with its own wireless access point. Each of these WAPs monitors the buildings for rogue wireless networks in and around the buildings and will disable them once they have been detected. Meraki will also be coupled together with our Google for Education for network level wireless access. Students and staff will need to sign in with their district email account to gain access to the RSU 57 network. Public access will still be provided, but Meraki separates the public from the reset of the network by providing their own IP network for guests, outside of our own.

For more information please follow the link below.