Arts Alive!

Africa     2023-2024

Anansi Tales

Africa's Trickster


Adopt a Hedgehog

Click HERE for more information on Hedgehogs.

Adopt an African Elephant

The African Elephant is native to Africa. This huge animal is also on the endangered list. Students can earn tickets to put in the raffle for the World Wildlife Federation Adoption kit.

World Wildlife Federation   

Children's Authors From Europe

Roald Dahl - England

J.K. Rowling - England

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - France

The Grimm Brothers - Germany

Mother Goose - France/England

Jean de Brunhoff - France

Ludwig Bremelmans - Austria-Hungry/United States


"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

narrated by Kenneth Branagh

"The Enormous Crocodile" by Roald Dahl

"Madeline" by Ludwig Bremelmans

"The Story of Babar" by Jean de Brunhoff