
Observational sketches

Observational drawing turned into a painting

Expressionistic Self-portrait

Contest piece- Duck Stamp

Observational Sketch

Observational Candy Drawing



Chalk Pastel Scenes

Independent Project

Independent Project

Independent Project


Oil paint Stick drawings

Oil Paint Stick Drawings

Gelatin Prints extended

Gelatin Print

This last year of art I did a lot of exploring with my own personal style. I mostly work figurative but this year I tried to venture out to landscapes. I think by stepping out of my comfort zone I was able to become a better artist. I also let go trying to work realistically, I think after I was able to that I was able to create some of my favorite pieces this year. I think it's important to be able to work realistically, but it's also good to be able to work expressionistically. My favorite pieces that i've made this year are my Oil Paint Stick drawings. I like colors and textures I was able to get using that medium. My least favorite pieces are my Gelatin Prints, because I think they all look the same. In the future i'd like to explore other mediums, because I think I do my best work when i'm just "messing around" with things that I haven't tried before.