RSU5 Laptop Information and Forms
RSU5 provides all students with laptops in grades 6-12. Students will be given their laptops during the first week of school. Students will be required to bring their laptop to and from school daily. The teachers will be going over with the students the proper care and use of the computers. We will also have a parent video and additional information to help support parents at home and provide parents additional information.
Laptop Protection Plan:
The Regional School Unit No. 5 MLTI Device Protection Plan is designed to provide students and families coverage in the event that non-warranty damage occurs to the Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) device.
Although coverage is not mandatory to take the device home, if you opt out of the plan, you will be responsible for the full cost of the device if it is lost, damaged, etc. Scholarships are available to families and students who receive free or reduced meals. Please contact the main office at your student’s school for more information about scholarships.
We ask that you take a moment to talk with your son or daughter about responsible use and care of the MLTI device. The device will most likely follow your child through their tenure in RSU5, so careful use and routine maintenance are important keys to long system life. Additionally, a parent or guardian must view the RSU5 parent video offered, if they have not attended a previous meeting for their older children.
The cost of the protection plan is $25 for one child and $20 for each additional child. You can sign up now for the protection plan send a check into school with your child.
Please read policies IJNDB and IJNDB-R about computer and Internet use. Also, please see our FMS Laptop Expectations document.
Parents to do:
All new parents to FMS should attend an in person student technology information night to be held on Monday, September 23rd from 6-7pm
Parents should send check or cash to FMS
If you have any questions please contact Sam Rigby (