How to Request ebooks and audiobooks

How to Request Ebooks and Audiobooks

  1. If you don’t know what ebook or audiobook you want to request, use NoveList K-8 Plus, including its Read-alikes feature to help you identify a title or author. To get to NoveList, go to and use the A-Z index.

  1. Check to see if the book you want is already available in the RSU #34 Digital Library: .

To sign in:

username: your 4 digit library/lunch number

password: coyote

If your username and password don’t work, it is usually a very easy fix for Ms. Whedon. Contact her at the email address below.

  1. If the book you want is not even listed in the RSU #34 Digital Library, Ms. Whedon can usually add it, including multiple copies if there is high demand for the same title. Request what you want by sending her an email (see below). Title and author name accuracy really helps.

  1. Ms. Whedon will reply to you to let you know if your request has been added or if it can’t be added... and you can reply with alternate requests.

  1. Ms. Whedon can help with questions and problems. Contact her at