Pine Buds

Carve your way through the crowd and make your way to Pine Buds station at the Maine Sampler

Woodworking is a beautiful thing, and many individuals spend their whole lives working on arts such as working on a lathe. Mathew and Carter have made  bowls, cutting boards, and wooden coat racks for the Maine Sampler that the 8th graders at Nokomis Regional Middle School host every year. We would like for you to come buy these products down at Nokomis Regional Middle School in the gym on December 15th from 8:30 - 11:00.


These bowls are going to be raffled off

Warning not what it looks like

Cutting Board

2$ - 3 raffle tickets

5$ - 8 raffle tickets

Miniature Coat Rack 

10$ for 1 hanger