Welcome to South School!

PLEASE CALL OUR COVID-HOTLINE at 593-3541 to report a positive staff or student COVID case during any non-regular school hours (nights, weekends, school vacations). Please call South School directly during school hours to talk with a nurse if you receive positive results during normal school hours, 596-2020.

Online Registration for New Students

If you are a resident of Rockland who needs to enroll a new student in grades K-5, please use this LINK to complete an online registration request. Once your registration request has been accepted, South School’s registrar will contact you with necessary account information needed to complete the on-line registration paperwork.

If you have questions, or if you do not have internet access please, call South School at 207-596-2020 or e-mail Mrs. Lessard at jlessard@rsu13.org.

2021-2022 Kindergarten Registration

Please use this LINK to register by April 16, 2021. Once the on-line enrollment forms have been completed, you will be contacted to make an appointment for kindergarten screening, which will take place on May 19, 2021 by appointment only.

Comfort Closet Now Stocked

Click the arrow on the top right side of this box to see the full text.

Dear Families/Guardians,

We are happy to announce that we have recently restocked our Comfort Closet! For those of you not familiar with this, our Comfort Closet is stocked with items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, socks, deodorants plus so much more!

If your family is in need of any of these items, please make a request using this link: https://sites.google.com/rsu13.org/southparents/services-support/comfort-closet or you can e-mail amitchell@rsu13.org, handerson@rsu13.org or kdrinkwater@rsu13.org. Be assured that all requests are confidential. If your student is attending school in person, we will send the items home in their backpacks – discretely placed. If your student is remote you can arrange a pick-up time.

The Comfort Closet is funded by donations made by our generous community!


South School

School Handbook


Welcome South School parents! This resource is intended to provide you with all of the information you need as a parent or guardian of a South School student, including support for at home learning, whether it be an extended school shut down, a snow day, or just because you want to help your child practice skills at home. Each classroom teacher has classroom information linked to their landing page and there are general subject resources as well. If you need help with iPads click on the SERVICES & SUPPORT tab, TECH SUPPORT. You will also find information about our lunch program, Comfort Closet supplies, the school nurse and other support services.

We hope you will find all the information about South School that you need on these pages. If there are additional resources you need or if you would like to get in touch with a teacher please click on the contacts tab.

Transportation Changes

Click the arrow on the top right side of this box to see the full text.

Daily Transportation Changes - Important Notice

Please be aware, we are no longer able to accommodate daily transportation changes other than if you request to pick your child up at school. There is no longer the option to request your child to go to an alternate bus stop if parents are running late or for students to take a bus home with a friend.

Please take the time now to make a plan to have an alternate family member at the bus stop to greet your child should an event happen that will keep you from getting your child at the bus stop on time.

We appreciate your help in this matter – it’s just one more necessary protocol we needed to change in order for students to be able to attend school.

Thank you

Sign up for Class Dojo

All RSU 13 Elementary Schools will be using Class Dojo as the primary means of communication with parents. Please check your inbox for an invitation to create an account. If you did not receive one, click on the link below or contact Mrs. Tibbetts, the South School Library Media Specialist. dtibbetts@rsu13.org

Find us on Facebook