8th Grade Schedule

7:10 - 7:30 HR/ADV

7:30-8:15 Allies Arts 1

8:15-9:00 Allies Arts 2

9:00-9:50 CORE 1

9:50-10:40 CORE 2

10:40-11:05 XLT

11:05-11:20 LUN/REC

11:20-11:35 LUN/REC

11:35-12:25 CORE 3

12:25-1:15 CORE 4

1:15-2:00 TUTORIAL (B/C)

HR/ADV = Homeroom/Advisory. Students will begin their day in this classroom.
XLT = Extra Learning Time. This time will be spent on Community Building and Social Emotional Learning
TUT/B/C = Tutorial/Band/Chorus. Band will be on Tuesdays and Fridays
Chorus will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays: Students not in Band and/or Chorus will be in tutorial.
Tutorial: This is time for students to work on assignments and/or get extra help.
Lunch/Recess: Students will be broken into two groups during the lunch/recess periods. One group will be at recess while the other group has lunch, then they switch.