
Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Welcome to 7th Grade Science. This year your child will have Mr. Roberge for science.

Your child will need just a basic folder to keep handouts and something to write with. The rest will be provided in class or done on the ipad.

This year’s science class does not often have written homework. (With the hybrid covid-19 schedule they will have work on the day they are not in school.) However your child should have a science folder with all the handouts. They should spend ten minutes a few nights a week reviewing the information in the folder or on the ipad. Almost all test and quiz questions will come from handouts and previous work.

We are using a standards-referenced grading system so you may see less overall grades. The grades that will be entered are the summative assessments and projects. The goal is to test at the end of a standard and not grade on the practice. However your student will be graded on habits for success and missing work or poor class behavior will lower these scores even if they test well. You and your child should discuss that the habits scores will impact sports eligibility. You will be able to see your students grades online so please use that to help your student stay caught up with work. If you see a blank or low score please talk to your student about it or email me. All students can make up any work for me, so a low grade is not permanent. However it is their responsibility to see me and get it fixed within two weeks. Class time will not be make up time.

Major Units of the Year


-What Defines Life

-Cell Types

-Cell Organelles

-Organization of Cell to Complex Multicellular Organism


-Natural Selection

-Darwin and the Galapagos

-Evidence of Evolution (Fossil, Biological and Genetic)


-States of Matter

-Temperature and its effect on matter

- Heat Transfer (Conduction, Convection and Radiation)

-Periodic Table and Bonding


-Acids and Bases