Course Description

Art class will provide opportunities for students to develop divergent thinking, creativity, imagination and technical abilities in a variety of aspects in the visual arts. Standards provide a clear and consistent understanding of what students are expected to learn. The standards are proficiency-driven and a portfolio provides evidence of which standards are met and if necessary, shows evidence of what they need to work on if remediation is necessary.

- Disciplinary Literacy: Students will understand the elements/principles of art and how they are used in artwork, artistic processes and related terminology, art history (including art movements, artists biographies).

- Creative Expression: Students demonstrate the ability to transform inspiration and incorporate ideas into own work of art.

- Creative Problem Solving: Students approach artistic problem-solving using multiple solutions and the creative process.

- Aesthetics and Criticism: Students describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate artwork.

- Interdisciplinary Connections: Students understand the relationship among the arts, history and world culture; and they make connections among the arts and to other disciplines, to goal-setting, and to interpersonal interaction.



Tempera, watercolor, acrylic painting, oil pastel, chalk pastel, scratch art, linoleum carving and printing, pottery/glazing, colored pencil, marker, crayon, cut paper collage, weaving, book making and anything else creative we can get our hands on!

Google classroom

Under construction....stay tuned!


Invitations sent via email or posted onto google classroom