Wedding Picture Circa 2018 Georgetown, Maine

Who am I?

I am the 6th grade health teacher and the 7th and 8th grade PE teacher.

Fun facts

  • Going into my 13th year of teaching

  • Coached a ton

    • Cross Country Junior High and High School for 10 years

    • Track and high school basketball Basketball for 3 years

    • Middle School basketball for 9 years

    • Baseball for 1 year

    • Soccer (recent)OMS

    • Power Lifting/ Conditioning for 10 years

  • Other Random

    • Have Traveled to 7 other counties

    • Fitness Enthusiast

    • Outdoor Enthusiast (Hiking, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding)

    • I have three dogs (yes, I know that is crazy)

From Left to Right, Loki, Atticus, and Cora