Wash, Wash, Wash Your Hands

October 2023

Dear Families,

Handwashing is an excellent way to keep healthy and stop the spread of illness at home and school. Students are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water after using the restroom, after blowing their noses, or before eating. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer is used. 

You can help encourage healthy habits at home by practicing the handwashing steps from the CDC.

If your child has any medical needs or you have questions about school health please call my office (207) 443-8285 option #2 or email: ddill@rsu1.org.


Dawn Dill, RN

When to Keep Your Child Home for Illness

RSU1 Illness Guidlines/When to Stay Home

Allowing your child to rest at home when they are ill will help shorten the length of illness and prevent spreading illness within the school.  Keep your child home for the following conditions:

Medicine at School

   Medications when possible should be given outside of school hours. If any medication must be given during the school day, a permission form needs to be completed by a parent or legal guardian and the student’s physician before medication can be administered at school. The forms are available in the Nurse’s office and on the RSU 1 website under “Health Services”.

   All medication must be sent to school in the original container with a pharmacy produced prescription label that includes: student name, medication date, date, and dosage. Over the Counter (OTC) medicine (tylenol, advil, etc..) must be in the original container as well.

   For safety, we ask that all medications be transported to and from school by an adult.