Students' Perspective

Student Login to Brightspace: Video

Logging in to BLE with text ver 2.mp4

Student Login to Brightspace: Graphic


Student Login to BLE, Views , Deletes, Restores A Basic Announcement

Student Views and Manages a Basic Announcement.mp4

This Video of from the right side (Student Side) of the Announcements Page:

Link Here: Announcements

Activity Feed Posts: Student Accesses Materials and Completes an Assignment

These posts are from the right side (Student Side) of Activity Feed Posts page. : Here is the link Activity Feed Posts

Student Accesses Class Materials. Manages Display of Posts and Announcements

Student Views Activity Feed Post.mp4

Student Views Updated Activity Feed, Views Added Materials and Takes Survey

Student Returns to Updated Activity Feed w Survey.mp4

Student Views and Completes on the Fly State of Maine Assignment in Activity Feed

Video Reaction Required

Student View On The Fly Maine Video Rspns Activity.mp4

Student Views Grade and Teacher Feedback for Maine Description Activity

Student Views Grade and Feedback for Maine Asgnmt.mp4

Student Completes Google Doc Assignments by Submitting a PDF or Hyperlink

Student Completes a Brightspace Assignment with an attached Google Doc Worksheet - Submits PDF

  • Teacher Attached A Google Doc to a Brightspace Assignment

  • Student Made a Copy

  • Student Completed Assignment

  • Student Creates, Uploads and Submits PDF

Student Completes & Submits GDoc Assignment in BLE.mp4

Student Completes a Brightspace Assignment with an attached Google Doc Worksheet - Submits Weblink

  • Teacher Attached A Google Doc to a Brightspace Assignment

  • Student Made a Copy

  • Student Completed Assignment

  • Student Shares document with teacher and submits weblink to complete Brightspace Assignment.

Student Turns in Google Doc Assignment by Weblink.mp4

Student Completes a Brightspace Assignment with an attached Google Slides Presetation

  • Teacher Attached A Google Slides Presentation to a Brightspace Assignment

  • Student Made a Copy

  • Student Added Answers / Content to the Slides Presentation

  • Student Creates, Uploads and Submits PDF

Copy Slide Presentation. Add content, Submit PDF.mp4

Student Completes a Kami Assignment

  • Teacher Attached A PDF to a Brightspace Assignment

  • Student Opens with Kami

  • Student Annotates PDF Answers / Content

  • Student downloads to PDF with annotations and submits

Where Do I Live? Kami Assignment Demo.mp4