Relax, Recharge, & Read the Newspaper

Student Athlete Winner: Alex Barrera

By Stormy Cline

Alex is an amazing student and friend. He is so strong willed and so faithful to his team, teachers and friends. I had the pleasure of interviewing him.

Why do you enjoy doing sports?

For me it acts as a stress reliever. I see it as going to school, doing my work, making it through the day without making anyone mad, and then all those emotions that I didn’t have going through the day, I put into sports. I use it as motivation to succeed in them.

Who has inspired you to do sports?

My brother Anthony. He has always been an older brother, best friend, and a basic father figure for me.

What motivates you everyday to try your hardest when you’re playing?

Making my family proud. Whenever my family is proud of me it makes me happy. I really only have one true parent, so I don’t have what other people have to go off of from having two parents there. I don’t get that much attention; I'm not saying I need it, but I really don’t get much. If I even get a fraction of my mom's attention I like to use it. Doing sports helps with that because I’m doing good in school and sports.

What advice do you have for other people playing sports?

Work hard, and have a good work ethic. Working out helps you and being good in the classroom, getting good grades. You should be a student athlete, not an athlete student. School comes before everything, so you have to work hard in school and then you can have fun. You should always try your hardest. There’s nothing bad about failing. The only thing bad is being nervous. Whenever your nervous you loose control of what your doing and you just don’t do good. You just have to take it easy; if you don’t make it that year, you always have next year.

How do you feel when you are playing sports?

When I’m playing sports, I feel like I’m making my mom proud. Even though she’s not there to see me because she has to work, I also have the feeling that I can tell my mom how my day went, or how the games go and she’s pretty happy because we won or she tells me to work harder if we lost. I have mixed emotions sometimes. You can’t be too nice because the other team wants to be rough, but overall I feel happy. Sports is a great stress reliever. Whenever I’m playing a sport I have these teammates around me; I don’t really look at them as teammates because they're my family too.

Alex proves what it takes to be exceptional in everything. He is trusted by everyone and never lets anyone down. You can always count on him to be there and to do the right thing. Congratulations Alex on being the student athlete of 3rd quarter.

Stress Relief Tips

By Bailee Nester

● GET MORE SLEEP ​A lack of sleep is a significant cause of stress. Unfortunately though, stress also interrupts our sleep as thoughts keep whirling through our heads, stopping us from relaxing enough to fall asleep. Avoid caffeine during the evening. Stop doing any mentally demanding work several hours before going to bed so that you give your brain time to calm down. Drinking a warm drink or taking a hot shower/bath is also recommended to relieve bodily stress. It is recommended that you should not do anything electronic 30-60 minutes prior to when you want to go to bed. You should also aim to go to bed at roughly the same time each day so that your mind and body get used to a predictable bedtime routine.

● Manage your time ​Make a list of all the things that you need to do and list them in order of when you plan on doing them. List the events from what you need to do now, in the next week, in the next month, or when time allows. Make sure that you include time for emergencies also. Also make sure to manage your class/home work.

● Take control of your environment ​What this means is if your siblings are stressing you out, find a place away from them. If the news stresses you out, don’t watch it. If your homework is stressing you out, calm down and get help and make sure you don’t wait till later so you don’t have to stay up late and disrupt your sleep schedule to finish it.

● Avoid people who stress you out​ If someone consistently causes stress in your life, limit the amount of time you spend with that person, or end the relationship. If the person who is stressing you out is a family member, talk to them to try to solve the problem. People who are causing you stress can include bad influences, people who are annoying to you, and more like people who are rude/mean to you.

● Take your time​ When you are doing something such as chores, homework, schoolwork, or anything else, take your time. If you are rushing you are more likely to make a mistake and get stressed over finishing. If you take your time you are less likely to make mistakes and focus on what you’re doing better.

● Exercise​ Putting physical stress on your body through exercise can help relieve mental stress.The benefits are strongest when you exercise regularly. People who exercise regularly are less likely to experience anxiety than those who don't exercise. Try to find an activity you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, or yoga. Activities that use repetitive movements of large muscle groups, such as walking or jogging, can be particularly stress relieving.

Motivations by Mariana

By Mariana Martinez

Many of us are so caught up doing other things that we forget about maintaining our spiritual health. Once in a while it is good to reflect on our actions and try to make a change, a good positive change. We should take time to reflect to look back at our actions and to recognize what we need to improve. It is good to take time and think throughly about what we are doing and what we should do to be the best that we can be. Having a good spirit leads to many great things. Having a good spirit even makes yourself feel good. Cleansing yourself from negativity is a great start. It can be difficult to do because there is so much negativity around us, and we can’t physically take it away, but it’s good to separate yourself from negative things. Negativity will not leave your life completely, but it’s good to be aware of it in order to avoid it and know how to control it from having a bad impact on your life. In certain situations, there may be negativity, but you can always look for a bright side to a situation. For example, if there is a certain person or a group of people having a negative impact you can confront them about it and tell them you don’t feel good about it.

New goals could be good for you because they can make you strive to accomplish things that make you happy. Goals can even help you become a better person. Setting goals for yourself can also let you know the things you are capable of accomplishing. We are all able to accomplish things; sometimes we stop ourselves from trying something new, and we never know if we were able to do it or not. It’s always good to try something new; don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and give effort. If something makes you happy then go for it, as long as you are taking care of yourself both spiritually and physically.

The Day the World Cried

By Stormy Cline


This story is dedicated to all the people who have suffered from the rising, inappropriate gun usage on schools world wide. To everyone who’s gone through this painful road to recovery, we send thoughts, and hopes of healing.

It was 8:00 a.m. I was headed to my classroom to start another day at Southeast Middle School. I always thought that it was stupid to have a school built so close to a prison. Not very safe I’ll say. But I also always knew something would happen one day. And today was that day. It was 8:15 a.m. There was no warning. The lights were turned out and we were all told to go into our lockdown places. Normally you’re supposed to remain quiet during a lockdown, but normally they’re just drills. I’ve been through enough of these things to know they are no joke. I’ve been through real lockdowns. Thankfully no one was ever hurt. But this time someone one was, well more than one actually. This man obviously had some sort of weapon on him and somehow got into the school without being noticed, I don’t know how and I don’t want to know either. I was sitting in the back with my classmates, we had been sitting there for about five minutes when we heard something like a balloon pop. One person.

No one dared to make a sound. Then another. Two people. It was about another five minutes later before a shadow fell over the door. My teacher held the pair of scissors she had so tight in her hand her knuckles were white. Everybody was smart to keep quiet, except for when he banged on the door very violently. The girl beside of me almost screamed but before she could I covered her mouth and wrapped my other arm around her. I looked her dead in her tear stained eyes as everybody else had teary eyes. No one knew what would happen. No one knew if today was their last. The teacher looked at us with love and for the short amount of time that she turned to look at us, he came barreling through the door, a chair flew across the room hitting my teacher in the head and she fell. Three people. He stood there and just stared at us a smile creeped on his face. He walked across the classroom, the smile never fading. I stood up ready to protect my peers. The strangest thing was I wasn’t afraid. I didn’t know if I would make it or not. This man was definitely filled with mental issues that no one could solve. “I’m not going to try and reason with you, I’m hoping you can do that yourself.” I never realized I said anything until he put the gun to my head. I was scared and shaking, my peers would have to watch me die. I closed my eyes waiting. When the warmth of the gun disappeared from my head I opened my eyes.

He had placed the gun on his own head. He was still smiling. Madness had consumed him fully. Before I could pull it away he pulled the trigger. Blood splattered across my face as I watched as his life slip away. When he fell I saw two more bodies outside in the hall. The others were already screaming and I turned around, blood still on my face and violently hissed at them through gritted teeth, it sound like a whisper scream. “SHUT UP, SOMEONE ELSE COULD STILL BE OUT THERE!” They were quiet at that. I silently step over the man, pausing to pick up his gun, just in case. My parents taught me how to use one since I watch my brother at home alone. I turned, placing a finger to my lips signaling for them to remain silent. I kept walking and stopped to close my teachers eyes. A single tear fell down my face. I got up and crept into the hallway there was no one out there except for two people. When I got close enough to see both of their faces I broke down immediately. Alice had her face down blood pouring out, Jasper had a gunshot in his chest and he was struggling to breath, I ran over to him with bloody hands I placed them on his cheeks. I started to cry. He reached up one hand an wiped away my tears. “At least I died protecting others.” He smiled and then closed his eyes. I hung my head sorrow and anger filling me. I slid over to Alice, she had a gunshot between her eyes, “I’m sorry I couldn’t have been there for you.” I didn’t see anymore people out in the hall, but I didn’t take any chances. I picked up the gun and jogged down the hallway. Two doors were open at the end of it. I saw blood run from the entrance to both of their bodies. I entered the one to the right, I saw one of Jasper’s teachers in the corner holding the rest of the class, when she saw me with tears on my face, blood all over me, and the murder weapon in my hands, she ran over to me, and hugged me tightly.

I put the safety on, dropped the gun and let her hug me. She stroked my hair comforting me. Everyone else came over and did the same crying with me hugging me tightly. “What happened?” I asked with as much courage as I could muster. “The man came into the room, he asked for one student, only one.” I looked at the teacher, she was still crying. “He said that they would be the one to die, nobody moved. He came charging over saying he would just have to pick one then. Jasper stood up before he reached the corner where we were hiding. He grabbed the man's gun and placed it to his chest.” We both broke out into ugly sobs. “This man had a smile on his face when he pulled the trigger. Jasper collapsed and he dragged his body out into the hallway.” I sat there hearing the story of how my brother had died. The same thing had happened to Alice. Only when she got up he immediately shot her no questions asked. They said that before he did she turned and told everyone that they would make it, that everything would be ok. I let everything sink in. All of the pain and anger festered. That man deserved to die. “Stormy your a brave person.” I looked at Alice’s teacher. “No. They were the brave people.” Every class had come out of there rooms after I made my rounds telling them the threat was gone. I walked over to their bodies and held on to both of their hands. Staring at the floor hoping that maybe it was a joke.

It was a feeling that I’ve felt before, when I was at my grandfather's viewing. It was almost like my stomach dropped and no matter how much I wanted to look away I couldn’t. It was like I was waiting for him to pop up and say that it was all a joke. Say that I wasn’t really looking at a deadman. It’s the feeling I felt right then, and I kept waiting for them to wake up and say everything would be ok. Everyone came over either kneeling or sitting with beside me or behind me, they were placing a hand on my shoulder then on Jasper or Alice. The adults that were outside looking for how the shooter had shown up. No one was hurt in the 7th or 6th grade halls. The man was identified as Charles Weasley. He was a mental patient at the prison. He had escaped early that morning with a gun and headed straight for the school. Only three people died that day. My brother Jasper, my sister Alice, and my teacher. But I swear after all of that, we walked out of that school leaving behind a piece of our souls. Because it wasn’t ONLY three people it was all 800 and something 8th graders that died. Because on the inside we all did die. Every last one of us. It is now 8:30 a.m.

Book Review: City of Ember

By Charlie Menius

City of Ember is an awesome book that goes into great detail and is going to keep you on the edge of your seat. The book is about Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow. The people of Ember are all alone with nobody near. They are concerned about their city because it is getting old and they are running out of supplies. Will they find a way to help the people of Ember, and save the people of Ember?

If you love books that are mysterious, I would recommend this book to you. It is definitely a book I could finish quickly if I had a little bit of extra time on my hands. I love the story plot because the author lays out everything in a way that makes it seem like you’re in the book. I think that the author did a great job with the main characters and with twists.

Black Panther Movie Review

By Charlie Menius

Black Panther was a great movie all around, it was action packed and a thriller. This movie had great special effects and actors. The movie is about a king who is called the “Black Panther”. His title is taken from him and he has to take it back and regain the name of the “Black Panther”. This movie has a great plot and is one of the easiest Marvel movies to understand without being in a series in my opinion. I think Marvel made a great movie and I would watch this movie again.

Teacher of the Quarter: Mr. DeBord

By Bailee Nester

What is your favorite type of music? Why is that your favorite?

“Asking someone that is involved in music, it’s hard to pick. My favorite type of music is anything that evokes emotion from somebody.”

What inspired you to want to teach music?

“I think taking something that I generally love and being able to pass it on to others”

What is your favorite instrument? Why?

“My favorite instrument is the euphonium. It’s a tiny tuba. It’s the instrument between a tuba and trombone and I just like the lyrical sound of it.”

What was the hardest thing that you had to learn or do to become a band teacher?

“Learning all the different instruments and remembering the fingerings and slide positions.”

What was your favorite subject in school? Why?

“Other than band, probably science. I really like science, the natural things. Usually at home I’m watching some type of documentary, something about animals.”

What was your least favorite subject in school? Why?

“I’m going to say language arts just because I was NOT a good speller. I’m horrible at spelling.”

If you could meet any composer who would it be? Why? If you could ask them one question what would it be?

“I think I’d like to meet Mozart because I’ve heard just such wild things and crazy stories about him. He was such a genius at music but his personality and life was just not a direct reflection on what a great writer he was. He was a little off. I would ask him if you could write anything that you want, what would it be? When he was writing there was a lot of restrictions, a lot of church control, there was a lot of government control. You couldn’t just write whatever you wanted it had to pass with everybody else.”

How would you describe teaching middle school students.

“There is never two days that are exactly the same.”

Terror Strikes the Hearts of Austin, Texas

By Brandon Foster

In Austin, Texas, there have been five bombings. Two of the victims have died, and five others are left injured. The bombs were makeshift, made with car batteries and nails.

The two men that died were Draylen Mason and Anthony Stephen House. Draylen Mason was a 17 year old teen. He was a member of Austin Sound Waves, a musical group based in Austin, Texas. Anthony Stephen House, a 39 year old quarry worker died on the spot in his house.

House’s mother was also one of the wounded. Additionally, Esperanza Herrera, a 75 year old woman that was caring for her mother at her house, got injured. Two of the other men were wounded, one of the men had nails sticking out of his knees, which were used as shrapnel for the bombs to do more damage. The last victim has not released any of his info, but he is in the hospital among the others; all are expected to live.

The packages weren’t made to target anyone specifically. However, the majority were sent to black and Hispanic families. One bomb wasn’t sent to anyone, but it was set off in public with a tripwire. A tripwire means anyone walking by them could have detonated them. This might’ve meant that his motives were to cause mayhem, and death. Since it is illegal to check peoples’ packages, he was able to send the bombs all throughout Austin with ease by shipping.

Authorities were given information about Mark Anthony Conditt, the bomber by an anonymous tipper. They then identified his car outside of a hotel. Police waited for S.W.A.T. to come, so they could apprehend Conditt. Conditt drove away and stopped on the side of the road, as S.W.A.T. approached he detonated a bomb inside the car, dying March 20th, 2018.

Talent Show Recap

By Daron Phillips

On March 16, 2018 we had a talent show in the gym. The following students participated in the talent show.

Halyee Moore

Fernando Dominguez

David Jimenez

Xavier Debord

Angie Hang

Devin McCarson

Emma Guild & Savanna Bancroft

Stormy Cline & Mckenzie Smith

Roxanne Quelhorst

Andi Zanudo

Emma Frick

The show started off with a song of I’ll Fly Over the Moon by David Jimenez who did an outstanding job and impressed me very much.

Second was a piano piece done by Devin McCarson who did a magnificent job and the best part is she wrote it herself.

Third was a song Rolling in the Deep by Roxanne Quelhorst who was amazing and the crowd loved it.

Fourth was Moonlight Sonata by Fernando Dominguez who did outstanding and showed so much skill by doing that piece.

Fifth was Can’t Help Falling in Love by Halyee Moore who did a really good job of singing it.

Next was Stormy Cline and McKenzie Smith who sang Hallelujah and they did a magnificent duet, it was an all around masterpiece.

After was Xavier Debord who sang Happier and he sang it amazingly he impressed me very much.

Next was Emma Frick who sang Running Home to You. She sang beautifully and did very good.

After that was a song called Burning House by Emma Guild and Savanna Bancroft they did amazing with the piano and the singing really blew me away.

Last was Angie Hang doing a self written piece. She did absolutely amazing it was extremely wonderful and I enjoyed it.

Thank everyone very much for doing the talent show I was amazed at it and enjoyed it very much so thank you for attending.