K-2 Lessons & Activites

Looking for some basic lessons on Digital Citizenship for our Kindergarten First and Second grade students? This is your place! These essential lesson are followed by additional lessons that teachers may wish to incorporate as circumstances allow. We encourage the sites and classrooms teachers to decide which lessons best meet the needs of their students.

Many of these lessons are from the curriculum at Common Sense Media. When you click a link, it will navigate you to the appropriate Common Sense Media webpage. The full lessons may be downloaded from those pages.

The lessons are aligned with Common Core ELA, AASL, and ISTE standards.


Key Lesson: Going Places Safely

Essential Question: How do I go places safely on the computer?

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to ...

• discover that the Internet can be used to visit far-away places and learn new things.

• compare how staying safe online is similar to staying safe in the real world.

• explain rules for traveling safely on the Internet.

Related Materials:

Suggested Lessons for Kindergarten:

A-B-C Searching - How can you use the alphabet to find things online?

My Creative Work - How can you give credit to your own creative work?


Key Lesson: Staying Safe Online

Essential Question: How do you stay safe when you visit websites?

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to ...

• understand that being safe when they visit websites is similar to staying safe in real life.

• learn to recognize websites that are good for them to visit.

• recognize if they should ask an adult they trust before they visit a particular website.

Related materials:

Suggested Lessons:

Follow the Digital Trail - What information is OK to have in your digital footprint?

Screen Out the Mean - What can you do when someone is mean to you online?

Using Keywords - Which keywords will give you the best search results?


Key Lesson: Keep It Private

Essential Question: What kinds of information should you keep to yourself when you use the Internet?

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to

  • recognize the kind of information that is private.

  • understand that they should never give out private information on the Internet.

  • learn to create effective usernames that protect their private information.

Key Lesson: My Online Community

Essential Question: How does the Internet connect you to others?

Learning Objectives Students will be able to ...

• consider what it means to go online and use the Internet.

• compare and contrast how they are connected to different people and places, in person and on the Internet.

• demonstrate an understanding of how people can connect on the Internet by drawing a map of their online community.

Key Lesson: Show Respect Online

Essential Question: How can I make sure my online messages are clear and respectful?

Learning Objectives Students will be able to ...

• understand how to show respect in social situations.

• recognize the importance of tone in both face-to-face and online communications.

• learn rules for writing clear and respectful emails by editing an email message.

Related Materials:

Suggested Lessons:

Sites I Like - What makes a website the right site for you?

Powerful Passwords - How do you create a secure password?

Things for Sale - How do some websites try to get you to buy things?

Additional Resources: