Mr. Shimkus

Life Science

Please check google classroom to see assignments and go to Infinite Campus to check grades.

There will not be homework every night but there will usually be at least some each week. Infinite campus will not always be updated daily but it will be updated weekly.

Google classroom will be updated daily with info for students to study and use as homework.

We do not have a Textbook but there are a few online resources that may help other than class notes (and answer keys, also posted on classroom periodically): (you can search any content here after initial login using google login info)

Reassessment Policy (<-- Click here)

Quizlet (students will get many links for this to help them with concept vocab throughout each Module)

Quizizz (review links for specific content) (<-- Click here) (This may revert to "grade 4" so make sure to change it to 6 or some words may not show up) I will never use this site directly but it does have many good 6th grade definitions