Athlete Expectations 

Practices and Athletic expectations 

1. Be on time and prepared. 

      2. Work Hard!

             3. If you miss a practice it is your responsibility to catch up on what was missed. 

      4 . Practice or performance will not be allowed if unexcused absence from school, it is the students responsibility to make sure attendance is recorded correctly.    

 5. Grade checks are done weekly by the school office. Athletes who fall behind will be ineligible to perform until grade has improved. It is the athlete’s responsibility                to provide written documentation from the appropriate teacher that she is passing the class.

Unexcused Absences:

1. Work - You’ve made a commitment to your team! Work should not conflict with practices or games.

2. Non-Medical/Clinical Appointments - Examples: Hair, Nail, Tanning appointments.

3. Inability to arrange a ride home.

Excused Absences:

      1. Medical/Clinical Appointments - Please schedule these around practice and games, if possible. You must bring an appointment card or note from the doctor’s office to give to your coach upon your return.

            2. Family Emergency Situations - Written note from parent.