About Our Classroom

Snack: In our classroom, we hope that each student will be able to bring a snack to share with the class based on a schedule sent out on our classroom monthly calendars. I ask that all snacks be non-perishable, nut free, and small enough to eat in about 10 minutes. Milk break will also be available to students at this time.

P.E: We have P.E every other day in our classroom. Please send a pair of gym shoes to be kept at school to wear during P.E.

Field Trips: This year, we hope to take multiple field trips as a class, specifically to the Hartje Nature Center. All field trip information will be sent home with students in their take home folders.

Communication: I believe the foundation of successful learning comes from open communication between the teacher, students, and families. Please feel free to call or email me anytime with any concerns or ideas. All last minute communication will be sent out through the district platform "Skylert."

Homework: In second grade, student's are encouraged to read at least 15 minutes per night. While we do a lot of reading in class, extra practice at home accelerates their growth tremendously. It is also recommended that students practice their weekly spelling works, sent home each Monday, to help them successfully pass their tests at the end of each week.