
Course-wide: Enduring Understandings &

Essential Questions

Enduring Understandings

The concepts of language, culture, and identity are inseparable. Language and culture are mutually interdependent. To appreciate the language, one has to appreciate the culture and vice versa. In order to truly know and understand the people of a different culture, one must speak their language.

  1. The recognition of the vastness of the Francophone world leads students to an awareness of cultural diversity and promotes an appreciation and respect for cultural differences. Globalization has made the world a much smaller place. We need to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people and cultures which are different from our own.

  2. Learning French or any language leads students to understand the larger concept of language including one's own. In a fast-paced, constantly changing global society, we must still recognize our civil and professional responsibilities, and duties in our own communities.

  3. Through exposure to French, students develop a curiosity for how others live, communicate, think, feel, and relate. In a modern global society, we are all connected and have to learn how to function and interact effectively with each other.

Essential Questions

  1. How are language, culture and identity related?

  2. What are the many cultures of the Francophone world like?

  3. What can I learn about my own language(s) and culture(s) from studying the languages and cultures of the Francophone world?

  4. How do I use language to communicate with others?

  5. How do I use my knowledge of language and culture to enrich my own community and broaden my opportunities?

2022-23 Syllabus

This is the same information for all French language levels except the ACTFL language level changes: Fr. 2 - Novice High, Fr. 3 - Intermediate Low, Fr. IV-V - Intermediate Mid.

The only difference is that French levels 3-5 will complete summative speaking exams.