Schedule an Event

  1. The organization, individual, or group is to use only the part of the building approved and shall provide adequate supervision for the activity.

  2. There shall be one individual over 21 years of age designated as the person in charge of the activity and that individual shall be present at all times during the event. The district may require proof of liability insurance coverage.

  3. The district Facilities Use Reservation Form shall have the person in charge or other authorized representative’s name, address, and telephone number listed.

  4. The organization, group, or individual granted permission to use the school facilities shall be liable for any damages done to the building, grounds or property. In the event there is damage due to misuse or negligence, the Business Office shall mail a report to the group representative and the District Administrator. The Director of Business Services and a group representative will meet to discuss damages. Any dispute in the damage assessment may be appealed to the Buildings and Grounds committee of the School Board. The action of the Building & Grounds Committee shall be final and binding.

  5. The Buildings and Grounds Office will send an invoice to the representative of the organization requesting payment if there is a charge for facilities use, custodial and technical fees, damages and/or repairs.

  6. The use of tobacco products, alcohol, and illegal drugs is prohibited on premises owned or rented by the School District of Reedsburg and/or under control of the School Board. Furthermore, no person shall possess, consume, distribute, sell or be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drug or intoxicants in district buildings or grounds.

  7. Food and or drink are allowed on in the Commons at the high school and the All Purpose (AP) Room at Webb Middle School. Food and Drink are strictly prohibited in the CAL Center.

  8. The CAL Center House Manger and CAL Center Technical Director must be notified in advance if a planned event in the CAL Center includes an unusual degree of risk, such as the use of special effects, simulated firearm use, fog, or smoke, strobe lights or use of potentially dangerous substances. After consultation with the building principal and Director of Buildings and Grounds the CAL Center Coordinator will inform the user as the restrictions and/or special instructions for the use of these special effects. Open flames or pyrotechnics are not allowed in the CAL Center.

  9. Cancellation of the reservation requires a minimum 24-hour notice in advance of the scheduled event or performance. Failure to do so may result in the user being charged for custodial services.

  10. Non compliance with the above listed expectations may result in cancellation of the event or refusal to grant permission for facility use to the organization.

To Schedule the use of the CAL Center and/or other RAHS facilities:

1. Check for available dates and times on the following Scheduling Calendar link: CAL Center Scheduling Calendar

2. Review these rules of facility use.

3. To make a CAL Center Reservation online click here. If you have problems submitting your on-line request, please contact Barb Sand at (608) 524-2016 extension 2007.

4. If you wish to reserve other facilities at the high school click here.

5. Procedures and Time Lines for facility rentals:

1. The Communications Arts and Learning Center (CAL) will hold a date for 10 days from the date of initial inquiry, after which the date will be released unless a facility request has been received.

a. Requests for the use of the CAL Center should be done at least 10 days prior to the first day of use. Exceptions can be made for extenuating circumstances.

b. No advertising should be placed until the building use request has been finalized, certification of insurance (if applicable), and deposit (if applicable) has been received.

c. To reserve the CAL Center or other rooms within the building click here.

2. CAL Center facility use requests will be reviewed for approval by the high school principal, activities director, CAL Center coordinator, CAL Center technician and the buildings and grounds department.

a. The School District of Reedsburg has the right to deny facility use by any organization, individual or group.

b. If a request is denied an explanation will be included with the denial.

c. If approved, the requesting individual or organization will receive a notification with the estimated rental charges and a bill for a deposit (if applicable). The deposit must be paid by the stated date or the facility request will be canceled.

d. The deposit will be $100. The CAL Coordinator along with the School District Billing will determine whether or not a deposit will be required.

3. The CAL Center calendar year is from July 1 through June 30

a. For this paragraph, “scheduling” means approved Facility Use.

b. Exclusive RSD scheduling for the next season will occur in January after the monthly school board meeting and the tentative approval of the school calendar for the following year. After this has occurred a group meeting will be held of school district users to set dates for school district events for the next school year.

c. Exclusive scheduling for Reedsburg Players, Inc. (RPI) and CAL Center Presents (CCP) will occur upon the completion of school district scheduling. The CAL Center Coordinator will contact these groups to notify them when they begin filing their facility use requests.

d. Exclusive scheduling for other facility users within the School District of Reedsburg will take place upon completion of the requests made by RPI and CCP.

e. Scheduling for all other Users begins March 15.

f. All dates are tentative until the approval of the Facility Use request and submission of the deposit (if applicable).

g. Facility Use requests for extenuating circumstances or use by regional/national touring acts may be approved outside of the schedule (a-e) above.

4. The organization responsible for the facility use must submit the deposit (if applicable) and a Certificate of Liability Insurance with a minimum coverage of $100,000/$300,000 for the use of the CAL Center.

5. When submitting a Facility Use Request the following should be included: the time the Users would like access to the building, the starting time of the event, an approximation of the time the User will be leaving the building, technical and equipment needs. Last minute requests for additional time and labor may not be granted nor can we guarantee that additional equipment will be available. Please check the inventory of sound, lighting, and properties on the CAL Center website- . Contact the CAL Center technician prior to submission or your request to determine your labor needs. All non RSD users will be charged for a minimum of one hour of technician’s time when booking the facility.

6. All ticket income derived from the use of the facility will be subject to the current percentage fees for profit and non-profit groups. The User is responsible for reporting all such income to School District Billing no later than 5 business days after the event. If reporting is not received within 5 business days the User will be assessed an additional late fee of $50.

7. The School district reserves the right to hire security for an event. All charges for security will be billed to the User.

8. If an event is canceled, the School district will retain a percentage of the total estimate of the rental charges to cover costs.

a. If canceled at least 14 days prior to the date of the event, the School district will retain 10% plus any associated costs due to cancellation.

b. If a cancellation occurs from 14 days up to the date of the event, the School District will retain 30% plus any associated costs due to cancellation, The User will pay the full custodial cost that would have been incurred.

9. It is the responsibility of the renting organization/User to:

a. Pay any State and County tax on sales.

b. Report all income to the Internal Revenue Service and Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

c. At the conclusion of the event, submit all required information to School District Billing within 5 business days.

Reservation questions should be directed to:

Bill Klang, CAL Center Manager.

Address: 1100 S. Albert Ave, Reedsburg, WI 53939

Phone: (608) 524-3532


If you have issues submitting your on-line reservation request please contact Barb Sand at (608)524-2016 extension 2007

Seating Map

CAL Center Props List


(Updated 8/13- Effective 9/13)

User Groups Definitions

Group I - Official Student/School Activities

Definition: Events before, during or after school instruction hours provided for students by school authorities.

Group II -Non Profit Organizations

Definition: Groups or organizations that conduct activities on school district property that do not operate as an organization or business for profit. Examples: Reedsburg Players, Inc., CAL Center Presents, MATC, Sauk County 4-H, The American Legion, VFW, etc.

Group III -For Profit Organizations

Definition: Entities that conduct activities on school district property that operate as businesses or organizations for financial gain .Examples: Dance Studios, Piano Studios, etc.

CAL Center Auditorium Rental Fee Schedule

Group I - Official Student/School Activities

No Charge

Group II - Non Profit Organizations

Custodial fee (non-scheduled hours only) $25/hour

Technician fee (if applicable) $25/hour

Rehearsal fee $20 flat fee (to be used/billed in four hour blocks)

General Use - $40 flat fee

Performance fee $100/performance flat fee + 2.5% of gate receipts(if admission is charged)

Group III - For Profit

General Use $40 flat fee

Rehearsal $40 flat fee (to be used/billed in four hour blocks)

Custodial fee (non-scheduled hours only) $25/hour

Technician fee (if applicable) $45/hour

Technical Assistants (if applicable) $25/hour

Performance fee $200/performance + 5% of gate receipts if admission is charged


  • For any group requesting the use of the Grand Piano a fee of $30 will be charged per performance + $75 if tuning is requested.

  • The RAHS Principal, CAL Center Coordinator or the Business Office may require a deposit for CAL Center use.

  • The daily rate is up to to 12 hours of use. If more than 12 hours is required, an hourly rate will apply. The RAHS Principal, RAHS Activities Director, Director of Buildings and Grounds, and CAL Center Coordinator must give written approval in order for events and rehearsals to occur.