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Competition Results

State Competition Results

National Archery in Schools Program

Jason Lee Archery

Archery improves motivation, attention, behavior, attendance, and focus.

The Jason Lee Team provides opportunities for students to improve their mental and physical shooting skills and learn shooting safety and etiquette. Students are taught to show professionalism and have positive team attitudes, while continuing to maintain good grades and good discipline in the classroom.

Jason Lee’s Archery Team follows the guidelines of NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program). All archers must shoot with a standard Genesis Bow, full length 1820 arrows, and 80 cm targets. Jason Lee will provide all equipment; however, archers who own their own standard Genesis bows are encouraged to bring and use them.

Any Jason Lee Elementary School 4th or 5th students are invited to try out for the Archery Team.  After completing a series of safety lessons, students are invited to attend archery practices during the week to hone their skills. Team members receive coaching and compete in tournaments throughout the school year. All coaching is by qualified coaches, who are trained and certified and have been screened for their suitability for working with our program. 

All 5th grade students have the opportunity to try archery during their time at Camp Wooten, our 5th Grade Outdoor Education Program.