School Counselors

Thanks for the memories in 23/24. 

We will see you in August :)

Hello students and families of Vista Grande Elementary.  My name is Angel Brown and I am one of the school counselors.  I was born and raised in Albuquerque and became a resident of Rio Rancho in 2011.  I graduated from UNM with a Master's in Counseling in both school and mental health counseling.  I also received my  Bachelor's from UNM in Psychology and Sociology.  My goal as a school counselor is to assist students through a comprehensive guidance and counseling program, to reach their emotional, social, and academic potential.  This is done through a variety of services. 

Angel Brown, MA, Level III School Counselor, NBCC 

Hello Grizzlies and families of VGE! My name is Katie Doss and I am also one of the counselors at Vista Grande Elementary School. I will be working with our 2nd, 4th, and 5th grade students but am available to any student who needs support. I was born and raised in Southern California and moved to New Mexico in 2013. I graduated from Concordia University Irvine with a Bachelors in Psychology and then completed my Masters in Counseling at Chapman University. This is my 11th year as a counselor and my 3rd year at VGE. It is my mission to support the social/emotional, academic, and career goals of every student. 

Katie Doss, MA, Level 3 School Counselor


Phone: (505) 771- 2366 extension 57531

School Counseling Vision: Every student successfully navigates social/emotional, academic, and vocational goals while reaching their fullest potential after graduating high school 

Mission Statement: The Vista Grande Elementary School Counseling department is dedicated to providing access to all students, a comprehensive school counseling program that addresses the equity needs of our diverse population with the intention of seeing long term individual success for all students.

Social emotional learning 

Classroom presentations will be provided throughout the school year.  The curriculum that  will be used are Zones of Regulation, Character Strong, and Kelso's Choices. Please click here to learn more about these programs.

group counseling 

 We work with students in a small group setting during lunch and recess on a variety of topics.  Such topics can include resiliency, friendship, social skills, and coping skills groups.   

individual check-in's 

Students may be referred to the school counselors by teachers, parents, administrators, or self referral if they  need additional support at school, or if they would like information for outside counseling services.