Mrs. Galindo's Digital Media Program

"Keep Calm and Stream On" - We are the V. Sue Cleveland Storm Chasers

We are Cleveland High School’s Broadcasting and Streaming Department. Stay up to date with daily announcements on current events, arts, activities, clubs, sports and more Monday through Friday. Either watch our streams as they go out live daily on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday at 9:14 a.m. (Wednesdays are Intercom Announcements and go out live at 9:00 am on campus), or link onto “Daily Announcements” on the main Cleveland High School Web Page. Storm Chasers also create and air multiple videos throughout the school year to include game highlights, holiday videos, PSAs, school montages, senior videos and work in collaboration with school organizations.  Videos can be found on our Facebook page. Storm Chasers is geared for students  by students to serve not only our school community but teachers, staff, and parents as well. Storm Chasers also stream events and games to our community through for those students, staff or family members who can’t make events or live far away. Because Storm Chasers and this digital program demands performance excellence, students planning on going into the film/video/digital media industry gain valuable insight and hands-on experience needed as they go into the post-secondary level with confidence.

To be a part of the Storm Chasers Team . . .

Students wanting to be a part of this program must start by taking Film and Video 1 (Introduction) and Film and Video 2 (Advanced).  Students can then see Mrs. Galindo to sign up for Studio Broadcast and Video/Audio Production.

Mrs. Galindo's Contact Information:

Office Phone:  505 938-0300 

To view our latest videos go to our Facebook page at

Email is the best way to get in touch with me.