Eureka Math

Eureka Math is the adopted Math curriculum for the district of Rio Rancho.

Eureka math is a "spiral" curriculum that revisits mathematical concepts so students constantly engage with what they have learned in new and different ways. This can make mathematics more relevant and fun.

"Having a Growth Mindset, or the belief that the brain can grow and become stronger through learning new things, was discovered by Carol Dweck, Ph.D., a Stanford University professor."

"According to Dr. Dweck, students with a growth mindset exhibit more effort, perseverance, and lower levels anxiety when trying new things than students with a fixed mindset."

"On the contrary, those with a Fixed Mindset believe that we cannot change our ability, and that we can't get better at something with effort and practice."

Below are 2 videos for you to examine:


Why is Math so Different?

Here are websites students can use to help support their mathematics

Khan Academy

