
Edgenuity Videos- "How To" Topics for Teachers:

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Links and Descriptions of All of the above Edgenuity "HOW TO" Videos

How to Unlock Unit Exams and Maximize Student Productivity  

Students are getting ready for their first topic tests and they are needing your involvement to unlock these exams.  Please watch this video to learn the best practices around the unlock topic test that is required on the end of the educator.  Remember they will have 2 attempts, but you must unlock each attempt and unlock it when and if they hit save and exit while in the topic exam.  Another reminder - resets are for assignments; retakes are for assessments.  Have a wonderful week 3 and you are doing amazing supporting your students as they continue to make progress. 

Engaged Edgenuity Educator take advantage of Scores and Activity Review  

Time and energy is not abundant and as a teacher we want to maximize what we can do to meet the greatest area(s) of needs for our students.  Using the Scores and Activity Review teachers can see the lowest scores and address them which provide the greatest significance for the student's growth and potential for success.  Watch this video to understand how to do this for all subject areas to include a few activities like online content and journals that require our own grading or feedback.  Take note of how the assignment calendar can also be used to best coach students to use their time to get the most out of their day and week engagement in Edgenuity.  Be encouraged that you are making a difference and you will continue to do so as you gain greater understanding on how to control Edgenuity to help you reach the full potential of your students.  

Week 2 finding material at your fingers within Edgenuity as an Educator  

Getting more and more familiar with Edgenuity makes us curious on how best to use different sections of the platform.  The answers can be found on each page and it may look different depending on the functionality of the page.  The GuideMe? option to the right along the side of your screen when logged into Edgenuity as an Educator houses loads and loads of information.  Click on Additional Resources, then scroll down to "Viewing the Video Library" and make sure you take some time to see if your effectiveness can be enhanced by any of these resources at your fingertips. 

A Student View of Completing Vocabulary lessons inside Edgenuity 

Students in Edgenuity may be asked to complete vocabulary portions of the lesson in classes like PE and NM History.  Here is an inside look of what is required of students to successfully complete the vocabulary sections so that they can successfully interact with the program and be allowed to advance to the next activity in the lesson.  Encourage students to use the electronic notes or take notes as they work their way through the lesson content and gain greater understanding. 

Guided Notes in Edgenuity as Student View and Teacher View  

What does it look like to access guided notes from a student experience and as a teacher all within Edgenuity?  Check this video out to make sure you have an idea of both views to be a better Engaged Edgenuity Educator with RRPS. 

Supporting students in MS Strategies create own guided notes  

Difference between Pass with Score and Change Score in Edgenuity 

As Engaged Edgenuity Educators there is a difference between changing a grade and passing on with a grade.  Take a moment to watch this to better understand the difference.  Stay positive! 

Does Edgenuity ever lose work  No!!! Here is how you verify and investigate work.  

We want to trust students when they say their dog ate their homework just like we want to trust them when they say the computer lost their work inside Edgenuity.  Here is a video that helps you take the time needed to complete an investigation to gather the proper information needed to make a sound conclusion.  Hope this video helps you with that while also reminding you how you have the means at your fingertips to help students use their learning platform with greater properly to achieve their goals.  Remember we are learning something new and are all a little anxious with the process.  Please give it time for your students and yourself to embrace it and to get steady with your day to day routine.  We have found after some time you learn to appreciate the value it has and the control it gives you.  You can find the balance between creativity as a qualified teacher and the security of a guaranteed and viable curriculum at your disposal.

Troubleshooting through Impersonation of Student in Edgenuity  

Here is how teachers within Edgenuity can impersonate a student to see what they are seeing and investigate if what the student is stating is truly a technical issue or an operator concern.  Use this as a way to better determine your responses to the student while holding them accountable for their actions and responsibilities in the program.  Furthermore, this is an opportunity to demonstrate to students the proper use of the program to maximize student potential.  Stay positive.

Family Portal Setup as a Parent of a Student Learning in Edgenuity  

Parents here is how you support your student learning within the Edgenuity platform.  This is how you set up your Family Portal account and how to understand the progress report and session log.  You can go here for additional information: Courseware Parent Page: https://help.edgenuitycourseware.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046195654-Parent-Resources.  Thank you for watching and taking note of how you can help your student be successful.  

Edgenuity Educators how to prepare your students for a Topic Test  

Edgenuity teachers here is an example to support teachers wanting to create a unit review for students prior to their unit exams.  This can be done to make sure that they have grasped the content prior to being assessed on the unit material.  This is specific for 6th grade World History, but it could be for any of the 4 core classes.  This would also be similar to what could be done with a final exam review.  

PE Teachers reporting grades for Fitness Log in Edgenuity 

New students changing start dates in Edgenuity 

Take a moment to watch this video on how to change the start date for students in Edgenuity with their classes. 

Customizing in Edgenuity with late enrollment of students with option to place them equal to peers

How to customize for RRPS with students as they come to our schools after the start of the semester.  Look at the individual student, their classes and where their peers would be.  This takes time but setting up things for a student the right way helps maximize the potential that they can achieve in all their classes.  Invest in doing this right to help students.  

Customizing in Edgenuity with late enrollment of students after the first few weeks of the semester - specific instructions and guidance coming soon!

In Edgenuity accessing the Parent Portal Activation PIN and enable it plus add other family members 

For RRPS when a parent with student(s) in Edgenuity requests a new email address or additional family members to have access to the student's account here is what you need to do.  Remember you will need to turn on (blue check) and then select weekly for email.  Remember to enable family portal access as the default is disabled.  Then make sure you update the parent and then update the student to save all your addition to the student's account in Edgenuity.  Send the family the Family Video (https://youtu.be/5A7eYEGsmfw) and also send them the PDF instructions (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qCZIguGZhrxzj-56YRh9t-pGDcJDPWdl/view?usp=sharing) to set up their account. The more the parents have access to their student's data the more of a team approach we can all take to hold students accountable to fulfill their responsibilities and capitalize upon the learning opportunity presented with the Edgenuity learning management system.  Thank you for all that you do.