__________ Physical form (click HERE for form) Please remember that physicals for the 2018-2019 school year must be dated on or after April 1, 2018.

__________ Medical history form (click HERE for form)must be dated on or after April 1, 2018.

__________ Health insurance card (click HERE if you do not have health insurance and need to purchase the school offered health insurance)

__________ Student concussion certificate of completion (click HERE to access course) Sign up for an account, add the student concussion course to your basket (course is free) and complete the course. At the end of the course you will be issued a certificate of completion. This certificate will need to be downloaded and emailed in with your other documents. Must be dated on or after April 1, 2018. Please be sure when creating the account that it is in the students name so the certificate will be generated with the correct name. Also be sure that the course is the CONCUSSION FOR STUDENTS COURSE. Any other course will not meet the state law requirement.

If you have submitted your students registration for the 18/19 SY and DID NOT UPLOAD your documents:

In order to complete Athletics Registration, our school requires that you supply a completed physical (obtained and dated after 04/01/2018), medical history form, student concussion course certificate of completion (dated after 04/01/2018) and your student's insurance card so we may scan it into the record. Once you have gathered your students document email them to stating “already completed registration, please upload to student file for clearance”. Submissions will be viewed in the order received. There has been a recent change and a clearance slip will not be issued but his name will be added to the coaches clearance spreadsheet. Your athlete will then be responsible for providing a copy of his/her final semester 2 grades as coaches will be responsible for verifying academic eligibility as the final clearance.

If you have not yet completed your student registration for the 18/19 SY :

Gather your students completed physical (obtained and dated after 04/01/2018), medical history form, student concussion course certificate of completion (dated after 04/01/2018) and your student's insurance card and scan them into ONE pdf document. Visit to complete the student registration for the 18/19 SY. During this registration you should upload the pdf document. Submissions will be viewed in the order received. There has been a recent change and a clearance slip will not be issued but his name will be added to the coaches clearance spreadsheet. Your athlete will then be responsible for providing a copy of his/her final semester 2 grades as coaches will be responsible for verifying academic eligibility as the final clearance. Feel free to email to confirm that all items have been received and that you athlete is indeed on the coaches spreadsheet.

Still have questions? Email for help.