We are currently out of school do to the world wide Pandemic of COVID-19.

Please contiue to log on to your students Google Classroom and complete any work the teacher has provided.

Stay safe, wash your hands and stay home.

Colinas del Norte Literacy

Sarah Masterson

I have been moved back into the classroom as a kindergarten teacher.

Christina Trujillo

I am now your ELD Coordinator

Welcome to Colinas del Norte's literacy team page. Welcome back to school, here is to a great 2020-2021 school year.

Below are some resources for your student to use throughout the year

*ABCya.com - Reading, math and other academics

*Between the Lions- Reading K-3rd grade

*Starfall- reading for K-5th

The city of Rio Rancho has some great programs for all grades. Be sure to check them out on their webpage.