talented theatre



The purpose of the Rapides Parish Talented Theatre Program is to provide educational services to students who have the potential for exceptional theatrical achievement. The Talented Theatre Program recognizes students who have been identified through a state evaluation as being talented in the area of theatre.

The goal of the Talented Theatre Program is to challenge, support, and inspire talented theatre students through differentiated, accelerated, and enrichment learning opportunities designed to meet their unique academic, social, and emotional needs.

What is taught in Talented Theatre?

  • Performance Skills: Improvisation, Characterization, Vocal Development, Stage Movement, Acting Styles and Methods.

  • Theatre History: Greek and Roman Theatre, medieval theatrical forms, Renaissance theatre and Shakespeare, modern forms, and absurdist theatre.

  • Analysis and Criticism: Play analysis, dramatic theory, interpretive reading, and dramatic forms.

  • Theatre Production and Business: Directing, scene design, stagecraft, stage management, and current professional theatre opportunities, as well as collegiate theatre expectations.

A Theatrically Talented Student . . .

How to identify a student with possible exceptionalities in theatre.

  • Volunteers to participate in classroom plays or skits

  • Easily tells a story or gives an account of some experience

  • Effectively uses gestures and facial expressions to communicate feelings

  • Is adept at role-playing, improvising or acting out situations

  • Can readily identify himself or herself with moods of others

  • Handles body with ease and poise for his or her particular age

  • Creates original plays (skits) or makes up plays from stories

  • Commands and holds the attention of a group when speaking

  • Is able to make people laugh, frown, feel tense, etc. . .

  • Can imitate others or mimic the way people speak, walk, and/or gesture