
Scheduled Fundraisers

Every year, Nachman Elementary conducts several fundraisers. The proceeds from these fundraising events enable us to buy technology, instructional supplies and materials, textbooks, library books, licenses for STAR, PE equipment, music equipment, furniture, awards, student incentives, school needs and much more. We also allocate 10% of our fundraisers to staff appreciation and 5% to the general school fund.


§  Spirit Shirts – PE fundraiser – proceeds to the PE department

§  House Shirts – PTO fundraiser

§  Winter Wear – School-wide fundraiser

§  Yearbook – School-wide fundraiser

§  Book Fair – Library fundraiser

§ Cookie Dough - School-wide fundraiser (begins on Sept. 6th and ends on Sept. 20th)

We cannot thank our stakeholders enough for their continuous support!!!