Free High School Math Activities

Welcome to my website.  These pages contain activities that I created and that you may use at no cost.  Please watch this very short 1 minute video as you get started

Website Welcome Video

Most Recent Additions

Algebra 1 - Solve Linear Equations Pick Your Points - 9/8/2023

Algebra 1 - Simplify Expressions Pick Your Points - 5/11/2023

Algebra 1 - Order of Operations Scavenger Hunt 2023 - 5/9/2023

Algebra 1 - Evaluate Expressions Bingo - 5/9/2023

Algebra 2 - Trigonometry Pick your points - 3/8/2023

Algebra 2 -Trigonometry Scavenger Hunt - 3/8/2023

Do you have a request for a new activity?  Click here.

Any questions?  Please email me here.