Welcome to 5th Grade

Welcome to our school!

We are very excited to welcome you to Roy-Hart Middle School. Please explore this page for information about your classes, clubs and activities and much more! We love our school and are thrilled you are joining our MS family!

Welcome to Roy-Hart Middle School2020.pdf

Our school

Click on the presentation to learn details about our school

Classes and Clubs at Roy-Hart MS, updated.pdf

Classes and Clubs

Click on the presentation to learn about the classes you will take and clubs you can join!

There's more!

Click on the links below to watch videos made just for you!

Meet your teachers!

Tour of our school!

Supply List 5th Grade 2020-21.pdf

School Supply List

Sign up for a chromebook!

Back to School Info


Schedules will be mailed home the last week of August.


Parents may drop off medications to the Main Office, starting September 1st from 7:00-2:00. Please call first to ensure staff is available: 716-735-2000 ext. 6712.