Code of Conduct
Esports Code of Conduct
I understand that I am committing to be available for the entire season of esports. The dates and times for which I am expected to be available have been provided to me.
I understand that I must be eligible to participate based on the school’s academic eligibility list, school code of conduct, and attendance policies.
I understand that I am expected to attend all matches, practices, and other club events. I will be on time for these events. I will be picked up to go home in a timely manner. I am encouraged to bring a snack and drink to share.
I understand that I must be respectful to all teammates, players, opponents, coaches, and league officials and act in a manner that is inclusive to and supportive of others. There is zero tolerance for any kind of hate speech such as homophobia, sexism, racism, or ableism or any inappropriate, obscene, foul, vulgar, insulting, threatening, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory or otherwise offensive or objectionable language.
I understand that I must use appropriate language in any chat or communication channel and that my in-game names, account names, email addresses, and profile pictures must also be appropriate.
I understand that I must play with integrity to the game, team, and sport and that I am expected to show good sportsmanship. I will not do things such as taunting or excessive celebration, intentionally ruining the game for other players, leaving the match or game early, stalling the game, unnecessarily disruptive language or emotes in any chat or communication channel, or use multiple accounts to disguise my skill level from my opponents. I am aware that our club’s activities may be livestreamed and/or recorded and that my words, actions, and conduct will be visible to the general public.
I understand that I must be available for communication with teammates, players, opponents, coaches, and league officials via Discord, Remind, Google Chat, in-game chat, and/or email both during and outside of school hours and that my communication must be appropriate and timely.
I understand that participation in this club is voluntary. I may be asked to stop my participation should I fail to meet any of these expectations. I am also free to choose to stop participating at any time but realize that doing so may jeopardize the ability to continue for my teammates, opponents, and coaches.
Parents & Guardians:
I allow my child to participate in video game matches, practices, and other club events on and off school grounds with and against teammates, players, opponents, coaches, and league officials online and understand that this will involve possible exposure to chat (text, audio, video) or other types of user-generated content (e.g., maps, skins) that is out of the control of the coaches, league officials, or the game publisher.
I allow my child to have communication with teammates, players, coaches, and league officials both on and off school grounds online via Discord, Remind, Google Chat, in-game chat, and/or email.
I give my child permission to play games that may be rated by the ESRB as E (Everyone), E10+ (Everyone 10 and up), T (Teen), and/or M (Mature).
I allow my child to use their own personal property such as PCs, laptops, consoles, mice, keyboards, monitors, and headsets to participate in this club and understand that my child will hold sole responsibility for these items should something happen to them.